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Everything You Need to Know About Battlefield 2042 Experts!

Everything You Need to Know About Battlefield 2042 Experts!
With about two months left until its release, Battlefield 2042 fans are curious about many issues. One of these issues is how Battlefield 2042 Experts will contribute to the game.

With about two months left until its release, Battlefield 2042 fans are curious about many issues. The Hazard Zone mode, whose gameplay is similar to Escape from Tarkov and is expected to be free to play, is some of the best weapons. Another is how Battlefield 2042 Specialists will contribute to the game. For those who don't know, we can say that the Experts are some groups that represent the class system in the game. As we can see from the leaks from the Playtests, Battlefield 2042 will have 10 Specialist characters. These characters will also have their own unique abilities and tools. We think they will be included in the game with patches or DLCs.

The Specialists We Expect to See in Battlefield 2042

♦ Kimble 'Irish' Graves – Engineer Specialist


The Irish we know from Battlefield 4 is a war veteran and will be commanding throughout the Exodus map. Irish's 'Fortification System' ability gives him a deployable protector. This guard protects him from bullets and explosions, as well as gives him the APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel, which helps him disable explosive bullets. Another ability, "Veteran", gives him extra armor and various bonuses for each opponent he neutralizes.

♦ Casper – Special Operations Specialist


Wikus 'Casper' Van Daele is a South African soldier and can track other players with his OV-P Recon Drone. Casper is perfect for anyone who likes to play in Battlefield 2042 by hiding and watching their opponents' weak moments.

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♦ Webster Mackay – Offensive Specialist


As his name suggests, Webster Mackay is a Canadian soldier who specializes in sneaking up on and defeating his enemies. Webster has a few things that can make your Battlefield 2042 experience enjoyable. One of them is the "Hook" ability, a fun method that you can use both when going from one place to another and when turning your enemies upside down. On the other hand, his "Agile" ability allows him to dodge bullets faster than anyone else.

♦ Maria Falck – Health Specialist


Players accustomed to playing as the group's medic in Battlefield will definitely prefer Maria. This German soldier can quickly get his teammates on their feet. While his S21 Syrette Pistol can heal teammates from afar, we don't know the details about his "Combat Surgeon" trait yet, but we're sure he'll be great.

Boris – Engineer Specialist


Boris is a gospel character for artillery lovers in Battlefield . Boris's SG-36 Sentry weapon assists him during auto-combat with enemies or vehicles, while his Sentry ability increases the Sentry's mastery.

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