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Exciting Features of PUBG New State

Exciting Features of PUBG New State
Important information was shared about the advanced features of PUBG New State, which was announced recently. The weapons of the game, which will take place in 2051, are also being developed to keep up with the modern world. All the details are in the article.
PUBG New State , which has been highly anticipated since the first day it was announced, is being developed to be at the top of the best mobile games list. As the details about the game started to come, the players started to wait a lot. In addition, the pre-registration process for PUBG New State has started in certain regions , for details, you can check our article " PUBG New State Pre-Registration and Gameplay Details "


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Advanced Features of PUBG New State

♦ Revamped Weapon Performance Quality
PUBG Mobile , which is already an advanced game, has many weapons and weapon attachments, and other available features. For PUBG New State , this situation is being tried to be brought to a much more advanced position. PUBG New State , which wants to offer players a lot of options thanks to its new generation weapons and renewed weapon customizations , aims to provide players with the option to customize their weapons as they wish by using these options . This is one of the most exciting features for the players.

♦ A More Modern Future and Advanced Weapons
Another issue that excites the players about PUBG New State is that the story of the game takes place in a modern world in 2051, because naturally, the weapons will be developed with modern technology in the same way and many new weapon types that are not in PUBG Mobile will be included in the game. Players will fight fiercely on the first map of the game, Troi, to be the last survivor of these weapons .

♦ Ultra Advanced Graphics and Option Possibility
One of the features promised by the developers about the game is advanced graphics, such that thanks to the technology they use, they said that they will offer much higher quality graphics than a mobile game or even some PC games. Of course, since these graphics settings will be high, they may not be suitable for every mobile device. Advanced graphics means you need a better mobile device. But the fact that all this high graphics option will be included in the game will be a good example of how much mobile games can evolve.

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