Battle Academy isa series of alternate universe appearances in League of Legends set in a world where champions go to school to train the next generation of superheroesThis series of looks is inspired by anime like My Hero Academia.
There are many popular costumes in these skins . However , the most popular skin in the entire skin lineup is the legendary Battle Academy Ezreal skin, surpassing even his ultimate Pulsefire skin. The Battle Academy Ezreal skin is a complete reimagining of the champion.
Battle Academy Ezreal , althougha very popular skin , did not have any color. Chromas is essentially a recoloring of original looks with their own unique feel. They cost 290 RP individually. However, they can be purchased as a package for much less than buying all the colors individually
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Glossy colors are regular colors with added VFX (visual effect) and recolor abilities, similar to the colors in the Ash Knight skins. Since Battle Academy Ezreal is one of the most loved Ezreal skins , Riot decided to give Ezreal a legendary color.
Similar to Chapter Ending Beast Veigar's majestic color, it has a bluish VFX and recolor compared to the original Red VFX and color. VFX's abilities also have a golden aura. Overall, people have mixed reactions to this skin; The most notable reason is that the color and VFX are very similar to the default Ezreal skin.
Just like the previous majestic colors, the Battle Academy Ezreal majestic color will be 40 BC. If you already have the Battle Academy Ezreal skin, this will cost you around 2400 RP. But if you don't have it yet, it might cost you 4220 RP.
Release date
The Battle Academy Ezreal majestic color is currently available on PBE servers, so you can try it now if you have access. And it will be released on live servers in patch 12.16, which is scheduled for release on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
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