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Fall Guys Never Die, They Are Reborn

Fall Guys Never Die, They Are Reborn
Interesting details were shared in the interview, it is included in the article.
We learned a little more about Fall Guys thanks to a delightful interview with the developers by The Gamer . One of the more interesting conclusions from the interview has to do with what happens to the Fall Guys blob when they fall off the map. Chief designer Joe Walsh talked about how Fall Guy felt when he fell to his death. "A moment of displacement, tranquility, zen-like disconnection from all earthly and physical bonds... Then they take the podium again to celebrate their success!" he stated.

When Fall Guys characters fall, they fall into a slimy ooze. Walsh confirmed that this is just ordinary slime and definitely not made from the dead Fall Guys . "They've been falling a pretty long way, so we thought it was fair for us to mitigate their fall a little bit. Whatever Devolver says, I can confirm it wasn't the Fall Guys dead," Walsh said.

There are many more different details in the interview, including confirmation that there are no Fall Guys children. " The Fall Guys come out fully grown and ready for competition, so there's no "baby" Fall Guys (although I reserve the right to completely change my mind at a later date)," Walsh said.

Click to buy Fall Guys now!

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