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Fall Guys New Tron Skins Coming

Fall Guys New Tron Skins Coming
Recently announced in a mysterious announcement, Fall Guys' new skins will include Tron skins. The looks are generally designed with neon lights and bright tones.
Fall Guys developers recently announced that they are working on a new costume pack. This announcement was made via the official Fall Guys Twitter account and was introduced implicitly. The Twitter post said, "We're working on this next collaboration for a new look". Based on this statement, the developer  Mediatonic did not neglect to share some images. Based on these images, he said the following words that will excite players and fans, "Can you guess who it is?". These statements aroused extreme curiosity in the players and led to various speculations on social media and community pages.


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New Skin Coming to Fall Guys

The statements made by Fall Guys developer  Mediatonic excited the fans. Fall Guys, which was first released on the PC on August 4, 2020 , managed to achieve great success in a very short time. Fall Guys offers a unique experience among its genre of games. The type of game it is connected to can be said to be quite different from other game genres. Fall Guys, which contains the competitive excitement of a classic Battle Royale game genre, but much more than a Battle Royale game genre , has managed to constantly improve itself. Developer Mediatonic, supports players with constant updates about the game. New costume designs are included in the game at regular intervals by providing various collaborations. With the image shared from the official Fall Guys Twitter account, the players were excited recently. You can view the post below;


After this shared post, the players made various speculations and made predictions about the new costume to be brought to the game. Some players stated that these costumes pointed to the Iron Man collaboration, some players showed Optimus Prime , the icon character of Transformers , and the majority stated that this would be a Tron collaboration based on the color choices and other factors. As always, the majority was not mistaken and these speculations were confirmed with the latest official Twitter post. Tron skins in collaboration with Tron: Legacy soon after Fall Guyswhat to host. You can view the official post below;


Costumes were brought to Fall Guys with various collaborations before . Fall Guys, which is available on PC and Playstation 4, is planned to be released for Xbox and Nintendo before the end of 2021 . This information was shared before, but it was suspended for an indefinite period due to the pandemic. Although a definite date has not been specified yet, it is estimated that this development will occur before the end of this year.

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