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Fast Rank Advancement in PUBG Mobile Season 17

Fast Rank Advancement in PUBG Mobile Season 17
Pubg Mobile is leading many mobile games in the market with its unique game style. We shared with you some important tricks of fast rank up in Pubg Mobile, which is played in the 17th season. Details are in the article.
PUBG Mobile is one of the most competitive battle royale games in the esports community, with players spending quite a bit of time. In addition to being a competitive game, it has a widespread ranking system that gives players a feeling of competition. Players often try to reach the top of the ranking system to prove their credibility in the game. However, unlike other battle royale games like COD Mobile , PUBG Mobile has the classic battle royale mode that players can play to advance their ranks. It is not so easy to advance the ranks, especially in the 17th Season of the game. In this article, we share with you some great tips that can help players progress through the game very quickly.

Tips to Rank Up in PUBG Mobile Season 17 Avoid

Early Battles

The most important factor that determines an increase in rank is survival time. PUBG Mobileis known for its battles that start as soon as it lands on the map. However, players who need to rank up must loot to maximize points, and then avoid player-frequented areas (Novorepnoye, Georgopool, Pochinki, etc.) to survive to the end.

Always Find a Vehicle

Vehicles, whether instant shelter or a means to move faster from one place to another,PUBG Mobileplays a vital role in Tools are one of the most necessary things for survival. Players can escape battles and stay safe on the map away from enemy areas. It also acts as a shelter in the last areas where there are not many obstacles to hide behind.

Correct Weapon Combination

The best weapon combination to raise your rank in PUBG Mobile is a mid-range weapon (Example: M416) and a close-range weapon (Example: Uzi, Vector). However, the combination and choice varies from player to player and depends on each person's individual playstyle. For optimal results, players can use the M416 with 6x scopes and a medium range weapon, DP (works well at long range).

Always Carry Additional Auxiliary Ammunition

Players should always carry ammunition such as grenades, smoke grenades and molotovs. Smoke grenades are extremely important when players want to rank up and will help you hide from enemies in an open place. Smoke grenades and grenades are very useful in the end zone in intense combat.

Carry Health Supplies Constantly

If you want to advance your rank, players need to stay alive as much as possible, and therefore it is clear that players should avoid unnecessary fights. Players may need to survive in the end zones using only healing and regeneration. Therefore, it is recommended that players carry at least 4 medical kits, 3 painkillers, at least 5 energy drinks and an adrenaline syringe throughout the game.

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