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First Update in PUBG Version 1.0

First Update in PUBG Version 1.0
The first update took place in PUBG 1.0

Many minor issues with this update were aimed to be fixed. Developments will continue.

PUBG has added a lot of new content since coming out of Early Access to version 1.0 . You can now navigate the new desert map, Miramar, use new weapons and vehicles, and experiment with the climbing system. Unfortunately, some players' fun was ruined by problematic performances and servers dealing with lags.

First Update in PUBG Version 1.0
The development team discussed these issues in a blog post yesterday. They were looking for a solution to a problem for the first time since version 1.0 was released. The team explained that the delays and problems editing character positions were due to the game engine being upgraded with the addition of new content.

To fix the issues, the team eliminated some optimized inefficiencies in the server's infrastructure and game servers. Specifically, they fixed some server glitches and issues at launch. So, you will now experience less lag the next time you log in.

The First Update in PUBG 1.0 Will Continue

However, the team is not sure that the problem has completely disappeared. So they are looking for new ways to deal with the issue on a daily basis. The team said, “After today's update, we are running some phased tests and working on further updates. We are currently taking many new measures, including server optimization. However, we will continue to investigate the remaining problems.”

If you are curious about the latest news we have written about PUBG , you can click here .


TAGS: pubg

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