Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Ends End of April

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Ends End of April
Agents have 10 weeks!

Fortnite has kicked off Chapter 2 Season 2, a new update themed on espionage between dueling spy agencies. That means a new Battlepass and rewards to earn, but how long you need to complete is up for debate. Based on an in-game message, it looks like the end of the season is coming in late April.

According to GamesRadar, an in-game message suggests the end date will be on or about April 30. In addition, updates are usually made on Thursdays. This also makes the current season ten weeks, which is the normal length for a Fortnite season.

However, this may change. The first season of Episode 2 was supposed to end at the end of January, 10 weeks after it started in October. But that date has been delayed, giving players almost another month over the previous season. Released on February 20. Epic hasn't disclosed the reason for the delay, so it could always happen again. The new season includes the Ghost and Shadow spy factions. As you follow the season's challenges, you're given a permanent choice to join one or the other, giving you access to faction-exclusive cosmetics. We also know that Deadpool will join the war at some point. This will be in addition to the other new cosmetic items available in the battle pass.


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