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Özel Koleksiyon Key'ler

Foxngame Electronic Message Confirmation


Within the scope of your express consent and approval, we can process your personal data for purposes such as carrying out the marketing processes of the products and services offered by our company and making plans for you to obtain the highest benefit, offering you special opportunities for our products and services, and carrying out promotional and advertising activities.

Your personal data may be shared with the third party companies that we receive services from, in the country or abroad, if the business activities are carried out and the employment contract requires.


This text, within the scope of the Law 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce and the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages, " FOXNGAME ELEKTRONİK HİZMETLER LİMİTED ŞİRKETİTo announce the general/special opportunities about the products and services offered by ”, to be informed about current developments, to send congratulatory messages, to share content such as presentations and bulletins, to send commercial electronic messages and other messages to me in accordance with the relevant laws for promotion and advertisement, , that my identity information and marketing information are taken for these purposes in order to carry out the goods / service sales and advertising / campaign / promotion processes and that messages will be sent to me through the channel I prefer, that I can always change my communication preferences or that I can stop the communication by rejecting the transaction specified in the messages I receive without giving any reason, and comply with the law. SMS/text message, auto-dial, phone call, as appropriateIt includes my consent to send commercial electronic messages and other messages to me via social media and online advertising networks, e-mail/mail and other electronic communication tools-channels.

I accept and declare that I have read and understood the above Clarification and Explicit Consent Text regarding commercial electronic messages to be sent to me and this text. In this context, I give my explicit consent and consent to the sending of commercial electronic messages to me via the channels I prefer below.

{{ product.name }}
{{ product.name }}
{{ product.price }}
{{ product.oldPrice }}
{{ product.discountRate }}

Alışveriş Sepeti

Sepetinizde toplam
{{ getTotalItemCount() }}
ürün bulunuyor
{{ item.productName }}
{{ item.productName }}
{{ item.categoryName }}
Adet -
{{ item.price * item.quantity | number:2 }}{{ currencyCode }}
{{ getTotalPrice() | currency: currencySymbol }}
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