Game Mods That Gain Fast XP in Valorant

Game Mods That Gain Fast XP in Valorant
We have explained in detail the ways to earn Valorant XP, the mods that give the most XP, and how to gain more XP from the Group boost event.

Earning Experience Points (XP) in video games is an important element, especially in FPS games with a reward system such as Fortnite, PUBG or Valorant . If you've just started playing Valorant, you may want to know how you can gain XP quickly.

Valorant XPlets you unlock new agents, rewards like weapon skins and friends, and other in-game items.

Top 3 Ways to Gain Fast XP in Valorant

Method 1: By playing various game modes

The most effective way to gain XP fast in Valorant is to play different modes of the game. You can earn XP by playing any of 5 game modes in Valorant:

  • unrated,
  • Competitive,
  • Spike Offense
  • Death match
  • Climb Mode

Although there is a special mode, it does not allow you to gain XP in the game. So, if you're wondering which Valorant game mode gives the most XP ? Keep reading to find the answer.


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♦ Unrated (4,700 XP per Match)

Playing an Unrated game in Valorant means you will only play for XP and not raise your competitive level.  It's one of the easiest ways to gain massive amounts of XP in a single game . However, it is worth noting that in the end you will have to complete each match to earn points, whether you win or lose. If you start the game and stay AFK, you can be penalized.

You can earn up to 4,700 XP per game. If you lose the game, you will still earn some points, but this will be a lower amount. However, playing an unrated game is one of the best ways to gain XP and test new agents, weapons and strategies without risking your competitive level. However, this mode takes a long time to play, as players must play 24 or at least 13 rounds to complete the game, and each game will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes.

♦ Competitive (4,700 - 2100 XP per Match)

Competitive mode in Valorant is exactly like Unrated mode. The only difference is that winning or losing a match affects your rank in Valorant. 


♦ Spike Rush (1,000 XP Per Match)

Spike Rush is a short match mode in Valorant that only requires a player to play 7 rounds per game. So it's a relatively quick way to gain XP in Valorant . But unlike Unranked and Competitive modes, Spike Rush only lets you gain 1,000 XP per match. However, since it's 8 to 12 minutes, you can play multiple matches in quick succession to gain a significant amount of XP.  


♦ Deathmatch (900 XP per Match)

Deathmatch is another short-term game mode that only allows players to fight with weapons and no skills. From an XP earning perspective, you'll only be able to gain 900 XP per match, which will expire once a player reaches 40 kills or the 9 minute time limit is reached.

♦ Climb (1000 XP Per Match)

As for XP gains, Climb mode offers 800 XP per match. However, if you win a match, you'll gain an extra 200 XP to equate it to 1,000 XP. These mods are also much shorter compared to Unrated and Competitive mods. These take about 8 to 10 minutes to complete a match.


Method 2: By completing Valorant daily and weekly missions

In addition to earning XP through different game modes, you can also earn XP by completing daily and weekly missions in Valorant. These are in-game missions that you must complete during the match to earn points. Daily missions are simpler than weekly missions and expire in 24 hours. On the other hand, Weekly tasks take much more effort and time to complete. Therefore, they can be used a week before they expire.

Quests usually consist of quests such as buying armor, buying weapons and using ultimate abilities a certain number of times, or getting a kill with an enemy weapon you get during matches, getting a certain number of headshots, and more. As you can imagine, these are simple and easy to complete if you play a game or two every day.

Spike Rush is not available in Deathmatch and Climb mode, you can only complete it by playing Unrated or Competitive matches in Valorant.

Method 3: Buy Valorant Battle Pass for XP boost

The Battle Pass is a paid way to earn extra XP as well as some unique in-game rewardsThe Battle Pass renews every two to three months in Valorant; Each season offers a chance to earn new rewards and XP.

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How Do You Use The XP You Earn In Valorant?

Now, as for the actual use of your hard-earned XP, it is primarily used to unlock new agents like Chamber or existing agents that are locked by default in Valorant. It is also used in the game to help you advance the Battle Pass levels.

1) Use XP to unlock agents

In case you weren't aware, only a few agents are unlocked by default when you start playing Valorant. These include Sage, Sova, Jett, Phoenix and Brimstone. Therefore, if you want to unlock other popular and powerful agents such as Reyna, Omen, Killjoy, Skye, Yoru or Viper, you will need to activate their "Contracts". You can do this from the special Agent tab in the game.


This is where your hard-earned XP will be used when you activate an agent contract. To upgrade your agent's contract, you must earn XP. What does that mean, you ask? There are 10 levels to unlock for each agent in Valorant. However, you only need to complete 5 levels of the contract to unlock the agent and start playing with it. Other contract levels include agent-specific rewards such as in-game sprays, ally and weapon skins.

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2) Use XP to improve Valorant Battle Pass levels

In addition to unlocking Agents, Experience Points are also used to advance Battle Pass levels. Progressing through the levels will earn you special rewards including unique Valorant ID cards, weapon skins, Radianite Points (used to upgrade weapon and blade skins), blade skins and more. And since the Battle Pass is time limited, earning more XP in Valorant becomes an important task to complete before it renews for next season.

3) Valorant is your fast XP muscle!

So if you're into the game, you can use the above methods to gain fast XP in Valorant . Doing so will help you unlock agents and complete your Battle Pass much faster. Also, if you regularly complete your daily and weekly missions, I'm sure you'll be able to unlock all agents in Valorant in no time.

Here are the steps to gain more XP in the Valorant Group Boost event:

The Valorant Group Boost event is back. First brought as part of the Valorant 1st Anniversary celebrations, the event offers players the chance to earn more XP. The Group Boost, which will apply to all modes of Valorant except the Custom Game mode, is an event where players can earn extra XP .

Chapter 3 Chapter 3 is a great opportunity to unlock different agents and level up your in-game account before the battle pass runs out. As the holiday season approaches, the developers are ready to offer players multiple gift, rewards and skin packs.


Here are the steps to gain more XP in the game:

Step 1: Open the game and go to the home screen.

Step 2: Players need to invite their friends to their groups or they can join their friends' teams.

Step 3: Play a match with your group. Players can play any of the following modes in-game:

  • Unrated
  • Competitive
  • Death match
  • Spike Offense
  • Snowball fight

The percentage of XP boost is completely dependent on the group size. In other words, you will get extra points according to the number of people you create a team. If you enter the game with a friend, you will get 8% extra points. Two, three and four-person groups were determined as 12%, 16% and 20%, respectively.

The Valorant Group Boost event will be available in-game from December 22 to January 5, 2022. We told you how to earn XP in Valorant and how you should spend these XP. Now the rest is yours, the more games, the more points!

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