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Get World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Collector's Edition

Get World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Collector's Edition
Prepare to step foot in the Dragon Isles with this limited edition World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Epic Edition Collector's Set featuring awesome items.

Prepare to step into the Dragon Isles with  this limited edition World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Epic Edition Collector's Set, which includes a range of rare and wonderful items to aid you in your journey to a new realm.Please note that if you originally purchased a lower priced version and later upgraded to a higher priced version, you will only be charged based on the original purchase. 

  1. Dragonflight Five-Pin Collector's Set: Add iconic representations of Azeroth's five main dragonflights to your badge collection: red, green, black, blue and bronze.
  2. Art of Dragonflight - Hardback Art Book: Explore the visual evolution of the Dragon Isles, the remote land of Azeroth that has remained hidden since the Great Separation 10,000 years ago.
  3. Alexstrasza Mousepad: Adorned with the mighty face of Life-Binder, it stands proudly in both dragon and high elven forms.

epic game contents

  1. Drakks pet (as a pre-purchase bonus item) and Murkastrasza pet: Explore the Dragon Isles with your little new dragon companions.
  2. Tangled Dreamweaver mount: Fly with the Tangled Dreamweaver as you soar through the Dragon Isles and beyond.
  3. Wings of Awakened: A rear slot transmog with 5 color variants, one for each of the main Dragonflights.
  4. Crown of the Sorcerer Protector: A crown once worn by Sindragosa herself, this head-nest transmog radiates the magical energies of the blue dragonfly.
  5. Timewalker's Hearthstone Effect: Return to an inn you previously visited on the sands of time with this unique cosmetic effect for your Hearthstone.

  • Explore the Dragon Isles: Journey to the new level cap of 70 and discover the primeval wonder and ancient secrets of the Dragon Isles in four new regions: the turbulent Waking Shores; the vast Ohn'ahran Plains; plain Azure Span; and the ancient, glorious Thaldraszus.
  • Yeni Irk/Sınıf Kombosu: WoW'un ilk yarış/sınıf kombosu olan Dractyr Evoker olarak düşmanlarınızı tehdit edin (veya müttefiklerinizi güçlendirin). Hem insansı hem de gaddar formlar tasarlayın, Alliance ve Horde arasında seçim yapın ve tüm ejderha türünün kolektif gücünü kullanan bir şifacı (Koruma uzmanlığı) veya menzilli hasar satıcısı (Yıkım uzmanlığı) olarak ortaya çıkın.
  • Gökyüzünde Uçun: Yepyeni bir hava hareketi yöntemi olan Dragonriding, seviye atladıkça dört yeni bölgenin her birinde arkadaş olacağınız bir Dragon Isles Drake'in tepesinde gökyüzüne çıkmanıza olanak tanır. İlerledikçe ejderlerinizi özelleştirin, daha fazla görünüm seçeneği toplayın ve daha uzağa ve daha hızlı uçmalarını sağlayacak yeni yeteneklerin kilidini açın.
  • New Talent System: With this overhaul, you'll be able to make creative and delicious talent choices at any level without sacrificing your effectiveness.
  • New Job System Updates: Artisans rejoice! We're introducing player-focused work orders, new job equipment, a brand new specialization system, and more to help you become a well-known crafter in the realm.
  • New Hud UI: Get ready for a fully updated and customizable Heads Up Display (HUD) User Interface (UI) built with contemporary screens in mind, designed to be effective, attractive and accessible.

► Click here to buy World of Warcraft: Dragonflight at a discount.

TAGS: world of warcraft World of Warcraft Dragonflight World of Warcraft Dragonflight al World of Warcraft Dragonflight satın al indirimli World of Warcraft Dragonflight indirimli World of Warcraft Dragonflight satın al world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition satın al indirimli world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition indirimli world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition al indirimli world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition satın al ucuz world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition ucuz satın al world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition indirimli satın al wow dragonflight collector's edition türkiye wow dragonflight collector's edition wow dragonflight collector's edition al wow dragonflight collector's edition satın al indirimli wow dragonflight collector's edition ucuz wow dragonflight collector's edition satın al wow dragonflight collector's edition indirimli wow dragonflight collector's edition indirimli satın al wow dragonflight wow dragonflight al wow dragonflight satın al wow dragonflight indirimli wow dragonflight indirimli satın al wow dragonflight ucuz wow dragonflight ucuz al wow dragonflight ucuz satın al ucuz wow dragonflight world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition satın al indirimli world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition indirimli world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition al indirimli world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition satın al ucuz world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition ucuz satın al world of warcraft dragonflight collector's edition indirimli satın al wow dragonflight collector's edition türkiye wow dragonflight collector's edition wow dragonflight collector's edition al wow dragonflight collector's edition satın al indirimli wow dragonflight collector's edition World of Warcraft: Dragonflight wow dragonflight epic edition wow dragonflight epic edition satın al wow epic edition wow dragonflight epic edition Collector’s Set wow dragonflight epic edition Collector’s wow dragonflight heroic edition Collector’s
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