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Grand Theft Auto IV The Complete Edition
Grand Theft Auto IV The Complete Edition
Niko Bellic, Johnny Klebitz ve Luis Lopez. Üçünün ortak bir noktası şu: Amerika'nın en berbat şehrinde, paraya ve güce tapınılan, para ve güç sahipleri için cennet yoksullar içinse cehennemin ta kendisi olan Liberty City'de yaşıyorlar.
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    Important Updates To Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City

    We are making a number of changes to make sure players who own Grand Theft Auto IV and GTA: Episodes from Liberty City can continue to enjoy these games.

    New Players

    Starting 03/19/2020, Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition will replace both Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City wherever it is currently digitally available. Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition will as also be available via the Rockstar Games Launcher.

    Current game save files will be compatible with Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition.

    As a result of this update the following services will no longer be available in Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition:
    • Games for Windows Live
    • Multiplayer mode
    • Leaderboards

    The following Radio Stations will be temporarily unavailable in Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition
    • RamJam FM, Self-Actualization FM, and Vice City FM (previously available in Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City)

    Note: Because Japanese is a supported language for Grand Theft Auto IV, but is not supported for Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City, players will continue to be able to play Grand Theft Auto IV with Japanese sub-titles but will need to select another language in order to play Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City.

    Current Players

    Players who have previously installed and played Grand Theft Auto IV or Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City will be able to update their copy to Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition through the following means:

    Steam Users

    Depending on the game, players on Steam will need to install or update their current game:
    • Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City will be removed and replaced with GTAIV: Complete Edition in the launcher library. Update file size is expected to be approximately 22GB
    • Grand Theft Auto IV owners will download content from Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City and their game will update to GTAIV: Complete Edition. Update file size is expected to be approximately 6GB 

    Physical Media

    • Games not previously activated using Games for Windows Live will be able to use the Key on the back of the game manual to activate and update to Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition

    Games for Windows Live Digital Store Purchases

    • Games previously activated using Games for Windows Live will require players to create and/or link their Social Club accounts in replacement of Games for Windows Live to update to Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition

    Note: New activations from players trying to install current copies of Grand Theft Auto IV may be disrupted until Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition is available. All users will need to be connected to the internet and authenticate their copy of the game.


    Oyun Açıklaması

    Niko Bellic, Johnny Klebitz, ve Luis Lopez. Üçünün ortak bir noktası şu: Amerika'nın en berbat şehrinde yaşıyorlar. Liberty City paraya ve güce tapıyor, para ve güç sahipleri için cennet yoksullar içinse cehennemin ta kendisi.

    Niko geçmişinden uzaklaşarak kendisine fırsatlar ülkesinde yeni bir yaşam kurma peşinde. Kayıp motorcu çetesinin eski bir üyesi olan Johnny rakip çetelerin şehrin kontrolü için tutuştuğu korkunç sokak savaşının tam ortasında kalmış. Half time gangster ve efsanevi gece kulübü emprezaryosu Tony Prince'in (yani “Gay Tony”) full time asistanı olan Luiz, herkesin satın alınabildiği bir dünyada ailesine sadakat ve dostlarına sadakat arasında bir seçim yapmaya zorlanıyor. Suçun, şiddetin ve yozlaşmanın pençesindeki bu şehirde hayatta kalma savaşı veren bu üç kişinin yolları kesişiyor, ve bunun müthiş sonuçları olacak.

    Tam Sürüm'de Grand Theft Auto IV ile The Lost and Damned ve The Ballad of Gay Tony Bölümleri bulunuyor.

    System Requirements

    Sistem Gereksinimleri
    • İşletim Sistemi: Windows 7 (artı Service Pack 1)
    • İşlemci: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHz
    • Bellek: 1.5GB
    • Grafik: 256MB Nvidia 7900 / 256MB ATI X1900
    • DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c Uyumlu Kart
    • Sabit Disk: 22GB Sabit Disk Alanı
    • Ses Kartı: 5.1 Kanallı Ses Kartı

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