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How Does the League of Legends MMR and LP System Work?

How Does the League of Legends MMR and LP System Work?
Knowing how the League of Legends ranked ranking, LP and MMR system works is vital for a LoL player.

Have you ever wondered how the League of Legends MMR system works?

Knowing how the matchmaking system works is important for every League of Legends player. System knowledge will allow players to use this to their advantage and climb the singles ranking faster.


Riot matchmaking is divided into two categories, the LP system and the MMR system. The combination of these two systems determines your ranking in your ranked games.

League of Legends League Points (LP)

LP represents how you progress or fallLeague of Legends  ranked rankings . You get LP points for each win, you lose LP points for each defeat.

Every 100 LP you rank up, so you will increase in rank, when your LP goes below 0, you will fall back in rank.


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LoL Rank Distribution

  1. Championship    
  2. GrandMaster   
  3. Mastery 
  4. Diamond I
  5. Diamond II
  6. Diamond III
  7. Diamond IV
  8. Platinum I 
  9. Platinum II
  10. Platinum III
  11. Platinum IV
  12. Gold I
  13. Gold II
  14. Gold III
  15. Gold IV
  16. Silver I              
  17. Silver II
  18. Silver III
  19. Silver IV
  20. Bronze I
  21. Bronze II
  22. Bronze III
  23. Bronze IV
  24. Iron I
  25. Iron II
  26. Iron III
  27. Iron IV

MMR and Rank System

The other part of the matchmaking system is the MMR or Matchmaking Rating system. Matching Points (MMR) is a secret system that represents the player's skill level in League of Legends. Each player in the game has their own MMR . This value determines which players will compete against each other in Ranked, ARAM or Normal games.

While MMR values ​​reflect the general skill level; The rating fluently shows where players are on the path to reaching their potential. Thanks to the LP system, it helps them understand where they are in the standings relative to other players and also provides a meaningful progression system.

How LoL MMR Works

Riot said that MMR works in a range logic in League of Legends, which it calls “Variance.” If the Variance between two players overlaps, they can be placed in a match together. Thus, players with more than 40 games and a player who are yet out of placements can be matched together if their Variances overlap.

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