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How Many People Are Playing Valorant in 2023?

How Many People Are Playing Valorant in 2023?
Let's take a look at how many players Valorant currently has and how many people played it in the last six months of the 2023 season.

Valorant is a character-based tactical shooter released in 2020 by Riot Games. The game has generated a lot of excitement since its closed beta release and its popularity has grown over time. Developers regularly add new content to keep players engaged. Players receive regular updates approximately every two weeks, and these updatesinclude settings for new agents , maps, mods and cosmetics, as well as existing content. This keeps the game innovative and the interest of the players constantly.

Let's take a look at how many players Valorant currently has and how many people have played it in the last six months.

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►  Top Picked Agents by Your Valorant Ranking | 2023

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Valorant's Players in 2023

According to Tracker Network, one of the most reliable third-party apps you can use to track your game progress, Valorant has registered 20,091,141 players as of April 30, 2023. That's a pretty big number for an FPS game .

The website also mentions that more than six million people played the game on the last day of April. Pretty close to the highest number played in a single day.

 History Total Players 
 April 2023 20.091.141
 March 2023 20.124.255
 February 2023 18,296,396
 January 2023 18,886,523
 December 2022 17,720,852
 November 2022 17,306.366

In the last six months, the player base has grown by nearly three million people. With the current figure, Valorant is estimated to have around 5.855 million total players worldwide .

How is Valorant's player count compared to other games?

CS:GO and Overwatch 2 are among Valorant's rivals, and Riot is known to have adopted some ideas from these games. In April 2023, CS:GO had 1.5 million players and Overwatch 2 had 26.1 million players.


When Counter-Strike 2 was announced recently, there was a lot of speculation about how this would affect Valorant's player base. So far, things don't look all that different, despite all the promises CS2 brings.

The number of players is expected to increase over time as the developers of Valorant continue to offer exciting content such as new agents, maps and weapon collections. In this way, it may even be possible to gain popularity like League of Legends.

► Foxngame is a reliable store where you can buy Valorant Points at the most affordable prices. Visit now to buy discounted VP .


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