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How to Copy Valorant Crosshair Settings? (2023)

How to Copy Valorant Crosshair Settings? (2023)
One of the best updates Riot has added to the game is the option to copy crosshair profiles directly from a teammate.

Valorant has skyrocketed asa top-tier multiplayer FPS game since its release in 2020; involves a competitive balance betweenagent abilities and gunplay . There are also various options for player comfort.

One of the best updates Riot has added to the game is the option to copy crosshair profiles directly from a teammate. Both regular and pro players were fond of this feature as it adds to the accessibility aspect of the game. You can easily change or copy the Valorant crosshair code without having to think twice .


Valorant Best Crosshair Settings | Pro Crosshair Codes


Easily Copy Valorant Crosshair Settings

Valorant currentlyoffers two great options for copying crosshair codes . One of them allows a player to hold the sight of a spectator player in a match. This option is especially great as it is simple and only enables the chatbox option.


  • Watch the match of the player whose crosshair code you want to copy.
  • Press 'Enter' to open the chat box and type either "/cc" or "copy crosshair".
  • A message will appear stating that the plus sign has been copied. It will also talk about the remaining sighting profiles in the account.
  • Once the message appears, you can go to the 'Settings' tab and go to the Sight Profiles option.
  • You can select the crosshair profile you just copied and start using it in-game.

With patch 4.05, players also have the option to import Valorant reticles with the help of codes. This is also a simple method, as Riot Games provides all the necessary resources to do this in-game.

  • In the main menu, go to the Settings tab and go to the Sights section.
  • Next to the Sight Profile header, you'll find a Download icon. Click on it and paste the crosshair code.
  • The saved code will create a profile that you can select at any point while changing the reticle.  
  • You can also use the Upload icon to copy your Crosshair code to share with others.

Gamers can follow this simple method to get crosshair profiles of professional players like TenZ, ShahZaM and Zekken . All readers have to do is capture the reticle codes they want.

As of now, Valorant only allows a player to save a total of 15 target profiles at a time. Fans can also use third-party crosshair generators if they are looking for a more customized code and then import it into the game .

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TAGS: VALORANT VP SATIN AL indirimli valorant vp satın al valorant nişangah ayarları valorant vp Valorant crosshair Valorant crosshair ayarları en uygun Valorant VP satın al ucuz Valorant VP satın al en ucuz Valorant VP satın al indirimli valorant vp ucuz valorant vp valorant vp al Valorant crosshair ayarları nasıl yapılır en iyi Valorant crosshair ayarları tüm Valorant crosshair ayarları Valorant Valorant vp satın al indirimli valorant vp al valorant vp fiyatları Valorant vp indirimli Valorant vp ucuz satın al valorant vp indirimli satın al En İyi Valorant Crosshair Ayarları ve Pro Crosshair Kodları Valorant Crosshair Ayarları ve Pro Crosshair Kodları Valorant Crosshair Kodları Nereye Yazılır Valorant Crosshair Kodları Nasıl Kullanılır Valorant crosshair ayarlarını içe aktar Valorant crosshair ayarlarını dışa aktar En İyi Valorant Crosshair Ayarları ve Pro Crosshair Kodları Valorant Crosshair Ayarları ve Pro Crosshair Kodları Valorant vp fiyatları 2023 valorant crosshair kopyalama valorant crosshair kodları valorant crosshair kodları kopyalama valorant crosshair kodları kopyalama nasıl yapılır valorant crosshair kodları kopyalama 2023 valorant crosshair kopyalama 2023 valorant crosshair kopyalama nasıl yapılır valorant crosshair kopyala valorant crosshair kopyala 2023 valorant crosshair ayarlarını kopyala valorant crosshair ayarlarını kopyalama valorant crosshair ayarlarını kopyalama 2023 valorant crosshair nasıl kopyalanır valorant crosshair nasıl kopyalanır 2023 valorant crosshair ayarları nasıl kopyalanır valorant crosshair ayarları nasıl kopyalanır 2023 valorant crosshair ayarları kopyalama valorant crosshair ayarları kopyalama 2023 Valorant crosshair kodunu içe ve dışa aktarma valorant nişangah valorant nişangah kopyalama valorant nişangah kopyalama 2023 valorant nişangah kopyalama nasıl yapılır valorant nişangah kodu valorant nişangah ayarları nasıl kopyalanır valorant nişangah ayarı valorant nişangah ayarı 2023 valorant nişangah kodları valorant nişangah kodları 2023 valorant nişangah kodları kopyalama valorant artı crosshair kodu valorant artı crosshair kodu kopyalama valorant crosshair kopyalama kodu valorant crosshair kodu valorant crosshair ayarları 2023 valorant profesyonel oyuncuların crosshair profilleri valorant profesyonel oyuncuların crosshair profilleri 2023 valorant nişangâh ayarı valorant nişangâh ayarı
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