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How to hide "Popularity" in PUBG Mobile

How to hide "Popularity" in PUBG Mobile
We are talking about how you can hide your popularity in PUBG Mobile. We also talk about how you can check the popularity leaderboard in the game.

PUBG Mobile has surpassed several other battle royale games on the mobile platform. The revolutionary game has millions of active users every day because of the exciting features it offers to its players.

One of these features that PUBG Mobile offers is in-game popularity. Players gain 'popularity' when someone visits your profile and sends a gift. The top 100 players on the leaderboard earn a temporary “ King of Popularity ” or “Rookie of Popularity” achievement.

However, some users do not want others to see their popularity and prefer to keep it private. So, in this article, we tell you how you can hide your popularity in PUBG Mobile .

PUBG Mobile: How to hide popularity in the game

Players should follow the steps given below to hide their popularity in PUBG Mobile :

Step 1: Open PUBG Mobile and click on the profile icon in the upper right corner.


Step 2: Click the 'Edit' button when the profile is opened.


Step 3: Click "Links" in the "Profile View" tab.

Step 4: Now hit the 'Disable' button. Other users will no longer be able to see your popularity.


How to check popularity chart in PUBG Mobile

Players can also check the popularity leaderboard by following these steps:

Step 1: In the main menu of the game, click on the ranking icon located at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: The leaderboard appears. Click on the "Popularity Ranking" option.

Step 3: The popularity leaderboard will appear. Users can then check their ranking by popularity.

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