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How to Open a New Agent in Valorant?

How to Open a New Agent in Valorant?
Many new players are joining Valorant, which is becoming very popular among players day by day. In this article, we focused on "how to open a new agent" that new players should know. Details are in the article.

Riot Games ' favorite game Valorant currently has a 15-man agent roster, including Jett, Raze, Breach, Omen, Brimstone, Phoenix, Sage, Sova, Viper, Cypher, Reyna, Killjoy, Skye, Yoru, and the new Ghanaian Astra . Players new to the game initially get five agents for free, including Jett, Brimstone, Sova, Phoenix, and Sage. Thus, sufficient number of agents is provided by the developer company for players who want to play their first Valorant match. So, what should you do to be able to play other agents as well? At this point you have to unlock the agent you want to play with. You can unlock  any Valorant agent using one or all of the following methods .


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Valorant New Agent Opening Methods

1) Unlock Valorant Agent by Leveling Up

If you are new to Valorant , you can join the game using the starting agents and level up by making certain progress . You can view your progress and experience points earned in an interface that lists specific objectives. When you reach level 5 through the progression, you can choose a new agent. Likewise, when you reach level 10, you can choose a different new agent. It may take 1-3 hours for a normal level player to do all this, while it may take up to 3-6 hours for inexperienced players.​

2) Opening a Valorant Agent Using a Contract

Another way to open agents in Valorant is through the contract system . You need to gain experience points for the agent by selecting the agent you want to unlock and selecting " Activate ". After the required experience points are gained, you make progress in the contract of the agent you want to open. Once the contract reaches level 5, you can now easily play the agent. You can only contract for one agent at a time, but you can also interrupt the contract and choose another agent . In this case, if you switch back to the agent you changed, you will not lose any of your progress.​


3) Agent Opening Using Valorant Points

This system, which is generally used when a new agent is included in the game, is a method preferred by more experienced players. Players who want to experience the agent included in the game immediately can get quick access by purchasing Valorant Points , i.e. VP. By purchasing a discounted Valorant VP on our site, you can have the agent you want with 8% discount thanks to Foxngame . Using Valorant Points, agents' contracts can be bypassed quickly, saving you time.

►  Click to buy discounted Valorant VP now!


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