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How to Play Better in Valorant

How to Play Better in Valorant
As in every FPS game, there are many ways to improve yourself in Valorant. In this article, we have shared important information on how to play better in Valorant. Details are in the article.
In Valorant , whose popularity and number of players are increasing day by day , players who are new to the game are at a disadvantage against experienced players or those who have spent some time in the game. Valorant , which is basically an FPS game , is actually much more than an FPS game due to the environment it offers. For this reason, new players need to spend a certain amount of time in the game and gain experience in order to grasp the competitive environment.

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Players new to Valorant may experience some minor issues at the start, which is quite normal. In order to play better and improve your game, a few basic but important information you should know at the beginning will get you used to the game faster and will also serve as a guide for you. Not immediately, of course. With a little thought and practice, you can fight back to back with your teammates in this tactical shooter. As long as you pay attention to the factors that you will read below and work on it, you will realize over time that you are much better than before, so that after the time and effort you spent, being aware of this situation will also add a separate self-confidence to you and will directly affect your game.

How Do You Play Better Valorant?

Before moving on to the important factors, there are some points we would like to point out. In Valorant , aimlessly running from one point to another and trying to shoot at the enemy you see will never improve you, as well as cause you to die easily in the game and reduce the performance of your teammates. Therefore, our first recommendation is to read our article carefully and listen to the recommendations if you want to improve yourself.

♦ Agents and Mastery of Their Skills

During your time in Valorant , the first thing you should pay attention to and be aware of is the agents and their abilities. When you first start the game, you are allowed to choose 5 different agents, and with the time you spend in the game and the in-game XP you earn, you can access new agents as you play the game. If you want to get to a good point in the game, you should also master the agents played by your teammates and opponents, including the agent you play yourself . The most basic way to do this is to experience each agent and master the agent's abilities. You can also access this information by searching the internet. Once your domination of agents is complete, you can now move on to the next step.

♦ Game and Control Settings

Game settings and control settings are very important in FPS games. First of all, you should set your game's graphics settings to maximum performance. We would like to give detailed information about this subject, but since it will not give the same results on every computer, we will share with you the most important information you need to do. FPS improvement can have different results on each computer, so you should experience it by researching and testing this issue on the internet. If you do the necessary research and think that you get the best FPS value according to the performance of your computer, you are ready for the game. Remember, while providing your FPS settings, it is very important to provide settings that you feel comfortable with and that you think are good .

After all these adjustments are completed, you should adjust your control settings in the game, namely the reticle you use in the game, special key assignments, sensitivity, etc. to get the best performance. Likewise, when editing these settings, you should test and try and create a custom setting of your own. This will have a huge impact on your game, and you'll get used to these settings and perform much better over time.

♦ Domination of Weapons

Each weapon in Valorant has its own specific characteristics. These features are important factors such as the rate of fire of the weapon, the recoil of the weapon, the damage per bullet, and the regional damage changes. You must master every weapon in the game.. In this way, you can understand how to approach your enemies. For example, some weapons fire faster than others, but do less damage. This is vital if you face your opponent in the game. Having this knowledge determines whether you approach your opponents more cautiously or more comfortably. In addition, the weapons have a recoil scheme to the right and up or slightly up to the left during the recoil effect. When you master these weapons, you better learn how to use them and how to deliver the bullets to your enemies.

♦ Tracking Professional Players

The reason professional players are successful and are called professionals is because they have knowledge and experience about the game. That's why you should carefully watch and understand how professional Valorant players broadcasting on platforms such as Twitch and Youtube react to various scenarios during a match. In this way, you can understand more easily and quickly how you should react to similar scenarios. Of course, this is something you can grasp over time and experience with a lot of practice. 

You can be sure that you will come to a much better place when you really take into account the items we have mentioned in our article and put them into practice. Do not forget that spending serious time and effort on a subject will bring you to a point where you are both experienced and talented. No pain no giving up smiley

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