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How to Use a Motor Glider in PUBG Mobile?

How to Use a Motor Glider in PUBG Mobile?
All details on how to use the Motor Glider, added as a new tool to the game with PUBG Mobile 1.3 patch notes, are in our article.

Motor Glider is here as a new vehicle with PUBG Mobile 1.3 update . With the 1.3 patch notes released recently , many new events, a new firearm: Mosin Nagant, and a new vehicle, the Motor Glider, have been added to the game. This flying motorcycle, which you can only find on two large maps, Erangel and Miramar , has a capacity for 2 people, like a motor moving on land . You can use the Motor Glider with your teammates in duo or team mode. The first player takes his place in the front seat as the driver, while the second player can take the back seat to defend against the enemy. Alright,How to properly and correctly use the Motor Glider in PUBG Mobile ?


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How to Ride a Motor Glider?

As a flying motorcycle, of course, the way to use a Motor Glider is different from motorcycles on land. As a new vehicle, you need an adaptation to be able to use the Glider in-game. To be able to ride the Motor Glider , the player must press the up button as a pilot or in the driver position . In this way, the nose of the Glider will rise no matter how fast the motorcycle speeds. Once up, you can move the Glider and steer it right or left as if you were riding a motorcycle on land. The difference is that you have the option to steer the flying motorcycle up or down using the available controls. Motor Glider like other vehicles in

PUBG MobileIt needs fuel to fly. Before using the vehicle, you should first check whether the fuel is full . If empty, refuel the Glider with fuel before using it. Unfortunately, running out of fuel while you're up may not turn out well. The amount of fuel depends on the Motor Glider 's flying speed, the faster it flies, the faster it runs out of fuel . This is how the Motor Glider is used in the most healthy and proper way.

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