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Information About Valorant's New Agent Has Been Coming And Video Has Been Leaked

Information About Valorant's New Agent Has Been Coming And Video Has Been Leaked
Valorant's new agent, Yoru, comes to reign in the hearts of many players.

Valorant adds a new agent to its roster with each new Act. With Chapter 2 Act 1 approaching, information about Valorant's new agent began to come in. In recent days, information has been constantly leaking about the 14th agent, which has been eagerly awaited for weeks . The leaks have gradually subsided as new content has been added for the upcoming Chapter 2 update, including   new skins, battle pass details, and a new agent .With the latest leak released today, we learned that the 14th agent will be named " Yuru" and what his abilities are. It is thought that the new character has "Stealth" features and may be the second invisible character after Reyna. 

New Agent Yoru's Abilities

  • E Ability

Yoru's signature ability is an intruder, which can make him a surprise factor in certain situations. You have two options; you either connect a portal to return to a fixed place on the map or send the portal on a journey. Either way, you now have the option to return to this portal at any time per teleport. The intruder has a time window during which you can return to your portal. However, the duration of this time window is quite long so it shouldn't be a problem for most games you want to try.

  • Ability C

Yoru's C ability Bait can simulate footprints in a chosen location and anytime. While the sound of these steps may differ markedly from normal steps caused by another player, it will certainly cause a slight distraction for a moment. Also, portal sounds sound the same regardless of whether they are caused by a real player or a decoy skill. You can place the bait at a point you specify and activate it whenever you want.

  • Q Ability

Yoru's Stun ability is basically a flash, like Phoenix, Breach, and Skye's kit. The main difference with Yoru's flash is that it needs to hit or bounce some kind of surface before it can explode. If you don't hit anything with your flash, it just disappears from afar and doesn't do any damage. This probably makes for one of the more difficult flashes to handle in the game.

  • X - Ultimate

His ultimate ability opens a kind of loophole to make Yoru completely invisible to enemies. Unlike Reyna's Ultimate, you need nothing more than Ult points to activate this ability, and as a bonus, Yoru's ultimate also lasts much longer. Spatial drift selects a mask that allows Yoru to gaze into dimensions and move invisibly and invincible from everyone else. In simple language: You can act completely invisible and invincible for a certain period of time and leave this state at any time.

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