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Özel Koleksiyon Key'ler

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Consumer Information Note 

1- The products and services purchased by the users from this website are within the scope of the goods delivered to the consumer/user immediately, and such sales are subject to the provisions regarding the right of withdrawal from the sale and the use of this right, which are regulated within the scope of the Legislation on the Protection of Consumers and applicable international agreements. is not. Accordingly, the products and services subject to the purchases made by the users on this site are deemed to be consumed upon delivery to the user and cannot be subject to a return or replacement request. User/consumers accept, declare and undertake this issue. 

2- Since any product or service purchased by the user/consumers from www.foxngame.com is an instant performance, Foxngame Electronic Services Ltd is not responsible for the effects and damages arising from user/consumer errors in the use of these products or services and obtaining benefits. All risks arising from the use and performance of all kinds of services and products offered by Foxngame Electronic Services Ltd due to the above-mentioned characteristics belong to the user/consumer. According to the relevant legislation, the transactions and contracts within this site, which are in the nature of Distance Contract, are not subject to the provisions regarding the right of withdrawal and use of the contracts regarding the services performed instantly in the electronic environment and the goods delivered to the consumer instantly. For this reason, Foxngame Electronic Services Ltd does not refund or replace under any circumstances. Users are aware of this situation declared in relation to the products and services offered by this site, and they agree and undertake not to make any claims to the contrary.

3- Provided by Foxngame Electronic Services Ltd. . Within the scope of Foxngame Electronic Services Ltd services and any related services, in case of any violation or action of the users that will be considered as inconsistent with the terms of use and participation, all kinds of rights and usage opportunities provided by the relevant service directly or indirectly, with the consent of the copyright holder, the user's system Your account will be frozen temporarily or permanently. In this case, the user declares, accepts and undertakes that he will not re-enter the system, the service provided, any electronic platform and similar media connected with this service, and that he will not demand the refund of the payments he has made, if any.

4. To use Foxngame Electronic Services Ltd to the consumer, unilaterally, voluntarily and periodically, without paying any additional fee and within the scope of the services offered on this site, as a result of the purchases made by the consumer through this site, in a way that does not constitute a right in favor of the consumer in any way. The maximum usage period of the bonuses given is 3 months from the date of delivery. The consumer can use the aforementioned bonuses within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of their delivery (including any electronic transfer methods via e-mail or to the relevant user accounts). Bonuses that are not used within this period will be systematically canceled at the end of the period, and after this period, the relevant consumer does not have the right to request the use of the same bonuses.

5. Exchange of gold, power-up items or other actions made through illegal channels outside the terms and conditions of the game may lead to account closure. 

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{{ product.name }}
{{ product.price }}
{{ product.oldPrice }}
{{ product.discountRate }}

Alışveriş Sepeti

Sepetinizde toplam
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{{ item.productName }}
{{ item.categoryName }}
Adet -
{{ item.price * item.quantity | number:2 }}{{ currencyCode }}
{{ getTotalPrice() | currency: currencySymbol }}
Görünen o ki sepetine ürün eklemeyi unuttun.