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League of Legends 11.24 PBE Patch Notes

League of Legends 11.24 PBE Patch Notes
We gathered what we know about 11.24, the upcoming new patch of League of Legends. Click to learn patch notes.

League of Legends 11.24 PBE patch notes leaked. This patchwill be the last major patch ofseason 11Riot Games will have done their final balancingbefore Season 12 arrivesthisupdate. In addition, the Casanova costume series , which will come with the votes of the players,welcomes us. After the ranked rewards are handed out and the season is over, players want a massiveVayne debuff. The blue essence store is also returning! If you want, let's take a look at the 11.24 update together.

When Will LoL 11.24 Patch Coming?

LoL season 11's last major update will arrive a little later than expected. Since it is the last update before the season, Riot Games gives the game some time to breathe. That's why the LoL 11.24 patch  will be released on December 8th . Ranked queues and regular queues will be closed during this time.

What's Happening in LoL 11.24 Update?


Buffs and debuffs are coming to League of Legends this patch. We mentioned that the players wanted a nerf for Vayne. Riot Games stated that they are targeting champions that are too strong when balancing champions in this update.

Two of the biggest problems with last patch 11.23 were Chaos in the bottom lane, and Camille , who dominated the other end of the map . With win rates of 54.14% and 52.14, respectively, these champions have become "elo showers" (the terminology given to champions like the cheat that allows quick league gains) to many players thanks to their low play rate. Only Graves has a 51.5%/11.36% win and play rate to challenge these champions. He is already another "nerf" candidate.

As for the forgotten champions of Season 11 , Azir and Ryze are on the same stage with Illaoi and the season's new champion Gwen . Unfortunately, there is no information that these champions will receive buffs.

New Casanova Costume Series Coming!

The new LoL patch brings with it 8 skins. New skins will be added to the classic Casanova skin lineup. Stylish suits, champagne and formal gear ready? Normally, the Casanova costume series had lost to the Crime City collection in the vote. But Riot Games decided to expand both series because the vote was so close.

Casanova Master Yi


Casanova Malzahar & LeBlanc


Casanova Leona


Casanova Zed


Casanova Brand


Casanova Brand Prestige Series (No images yet)

That's all we know about League of Legends 11.24 patch . We'll see the final balances this patch before Season 12 arrives. If we talk about the Casanova costume series, we think the green color is very compatible with the suit concept. See you for now!

► Click on the link to buy reliable and discounted LoL RP Riot Points: https://www.foxngame.com/league-of-legends


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