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League of Legends 2022 Lunar Fest Event Quests

League of Legends 2022 Lunar Fest Event Quests
The League of Legends 12.2 patch notes brought details on a few balance changes, nerfs to both new dragons, the release of the new bottom lane champion Zeri, and new Moon Festival content.

The League of Legends 12.2 patch notes brought details ona few balance changes, nerfs to both new dragons, the release of new bottom lane champion Zeri, and new Moon Festival content. As in previous years, Riot celebrates the Chinese New Year by bringing a Moon Festival event. Added 12 new skins for the upcoming Lunar Event in patch 12.2 ; Fireworks and Porcelain .

In each LoL event , players are presented with a set of missions to complete. New criteria have been introduced for the Weekly Win, Milestone, and Orb missions for the recently ended Casanova 2021 event, as the developers are working to improve event tickets. Instead of requiring players to play x amount of games or earn x amount of activity points after each match, it switched to a new target points system that awards points for every minute of the game.

However, the new system was not well received. Players quickly realized that they were earning fewer event tokens than before and that the missions took longer to complete. Riot updated this status and gave players a compensatory mission that gives players an extra 150 coins for free. Announced a few changes to the event's quest point system.


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Lunar Festa 2022: Event Mission Changes

The essence of the changes is that it will now be easier to complete all game time-based missions. Also, repeatable token quest will not return and traditional token bank quests will come back. This means that players will earn a fixed number of coins after each game, depending on whether they win or not.

Globe and Milestones Quests

Orb and Milestone missions will have different rules than coin bank missions . For orbs and milestones, a time limit has been set in the points awarded. You have to be quick to earn points .

Milestone 13800 Points
Milestone 2700 Points
Milestone 3800 Points
Milestone 4800 Points
Milestone 5900 Points
Milestone 6900 Points
Milestone 71000 Points
Milestone 81000 Points
Milestone 91000 Points
Milestone 101000 Points
Milestone 11000 Points
Milestone 21000 Points
Milestone 31000 Points
Milestone 41000 Points

Time Restricted Missions

Matchmaking PvP Normal/Ranked6 points/min.4 points/min.
Matchmaking PvP ARAM6 points/min.4 points/min.
ARURF6 points/min.4 points/min.
Pair vs. Artificial intelligence2 points/min.1 point/min.
TFT Normal/Ranked3 points/min. (1st-4th Row)2 points/min (5th-8th place)
TFT HyperRoll3 points/min. (1st-4th Row)2 points/min. (5th-8th Row)
TFT Double Up3 points/min. (1st-2nd Row)2 points/min (3rd-4th place)

When does the Moon Legend Festival start?

LoL 12.2 patch notes were released on January 19, but the themed Porcelain skin series won't arrive in the game client until January 26. The Moon Legend festival is also expected to start at that time.

► The cheapest RP is in Foxngame. Buy now discounted LoL RP: https://www.foxngame.com/league-of-legends


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