League of Legends Gwen Abilities

Gwen, recently announced by Riot Games developers as Happy Tailor, is coming to the valley very soon. We also show players their abilities and their attributes before Gwen arrives in the Rift.
Riot Games recently announced Gwen , the latest champion of League of Legends, with the title of Blessed Tailor. We expected this new champion Gwen to be included in the game with the 11.7 patch , but this was not as we expected and it looks like it will be included in the 11.8 patch . Also, you should definitely check out the new Rhythm of Space skin line that was included in the game with patch 11.7 , the new skins look pretty awesome. In total, 8 different new skins are brought to 7 different champions, and among the 7 different champions we have mentioned,Bringing both the Rhythm of Space skin and the prestige series skin for Lulu .────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────
► LoL LoL 11.7 Patch Notes - Rhythm of Space Skin Series
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What We Know About LoL Gwen
The new champion Gwen , which is expected to be included in the game with the 11.7 patch , will be included in the Rhythm of Space skin series and will come with various color options. The new champion Gwen is scheduled to be included in the game with the 11.8 patch that will be introduced on April 14 . Gwen uses scissors, needle and thread as a result of her characteristic features.
Gwen Skill Set
- Passive - Thousand Cuts : Gwen's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on hit based on her percentage of health. Basic attacks against champions heal him for a fraction of the damage dealt.
- Q - Knock Knock! : Gwen quickly uses her shears two to six times, dealing magic damage to a cone-shaped area. Gwen uses her scissors at least twice and deals one more scissor strike for each basic attack she hits the opponent (up to four more for a total of six hits). Enemies at the center of each scissor strike take bonus magic damage from Thousand Slash in addition to true damage.
- W - Blessed Mist : Gwen surrounds herself with Blessed Mist for five seconds, gaining armor and magic resist while inside it. Enemies outside of the mist cannot target Gwen and cannot hit her with abilities. The fog follows Gwen the first time she tries to leave the area, but disappears the next time.
- E - Forced Horse : Gwen dashes a short distance and amplifies her attacks for four seconds, gaining range, speed, and magic damage on-hit. Meanwhile, attacking an enemy refunds 50% of the ability's cooldown.
- R - Loop Loop : Gwen can cast Loop Loop up to three times, but must hit an enemy within 8 seconds before she can unlock each consecutive cast. Each cast fires stings that travel in a line, dealing magic damage, slowing enemies, and dealing bonus magic damage from Gwen's Thousand Slash. The first use throws one needle, the second use three needles, and the last use five needles. Each of the nine pins hitting the opponents applies the effect of Thousand Cuts once (ie, nine times in total).
It's safe to say that Gwen is a very mobile champion thanks to her skill kit. She also looks like she will be quite skilled at split pushing thanks to the damage rate she hits and the additional features she gets from her kit . Another issue we are most curious about is how it will affect Gwen in the hands of professional players. We'll have to wait a while to see that. ► Click to buy discounted LoL RP now!