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League of Legends Lux Item Selections

League of Legends Lux Item Selections
We have compiled the item guide for Lux, one of the first champions of League of Legends. These items are Lux-exclusive items that you can use most effectively with season 11. Details are in the article.
One of League of Legends ' main roster champions, Lux is still a sought-after choice thanks to her skill kit and new items. The items of the champions have been updated and strengthened over time, especially in the new Season 11 , many items have been radically changed so that these changes affect the most powerful champions, Lux , which is frequently seen in the ability power carrier and support roles , can be a good example. With the magnificent items added to the game recently, Lux has become even stronger and one of the most effective choices. In this article, we list the best selections of items that you can use in choosing Lux .

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►  League of Legends Patch 11.10 Changes

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LoL | Lux Item Selection

With the new item layout brought to League of Legends , there are some important choices you can make for Lux . In these item selections, we have briefly compiled the starting items, the items you can choose in the middle of the game, and the items you should choose towards the end of the game. Keep in mind that when you make these item selections correctly, you will be superior to your opponents and you will get better results in mutual exchange situations. Below you can view the starting items, main items, endgame items, and status-related items.

♦ Starter Items ♦ Main Items ♦ Endgame Items ♦ Situational Items You should choose the items mentioned above according to your opponents and the course of the game. For example, if your opponent is an AD, you should choose items accordingly, and if AP is an opponent, your selection should be accordingly. Of course, these choices should be made in a way that supports your teammates. In this way, you can get the optimum result and become more advantageous in terms of winning.
lol lux starting items

lol lux main items

lol lux endgame items

lol lux status items

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