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League of Legends Milio Abilities | Gameplay Features

League of Legends Milio Abilities | Gameplay Features
Many changes have landed in the valley in League of Legends season 13, and now a new champion will be added to the meta; The Compassion of the Flame Milio.

Many changes have landed in the valley in League of Legends season 13 and now a new champion will be added to the meta; milio _ Riot Games does its best to keep the champions as balanced as possible. The last few patches have been a good indication of this. 

The most recent LoL champion was K'Sante in 2022. Considering Riot has plenty of time to work on a new champion this year, that's great. With all that said, Milio is coming to League of Legends as the brand new mage champion.


Compassion of Flame Milio will be a character who uses fire to heal with different mechanics. He travels to complete his journey to join Yun Tal in Ixtal to save his family. The idea behind the champion is that he can harness the power of fire to heal others using his "inner flame".

Using something as destructive as fire as a healing tool is a bold and refreshing idea. Other fire-based champions like Annie and Brand are only known as massive damage dealers, but Milio will change that in League of Legends.


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League of Legends Milio Skill Kit and Gameplay Features  

There's a big difference between Milio and our other enchanters: Milio is only 12 years old. The Game Design Team wanted Milio's playfulness to stand out in the talent set of his youth. That's why they've given their talents names like Cozy Campfire and Super-Powered Fire Shot, as well as adding endless enthusiasm to their gameplay .

“Our goal was to design an unobtrusive enchanter that would blend in with other enchanters and be discreet on their side. However, this champion also needed to add novelty to the role and make the enchanter players' gameplay engaging,” explains Game Designer Myles "Riot Emizery" Salholm.

LoL Milio Abilities

“Milio is a restless champion, so I tried to keep his animations moving and exciting. I also wanted him to feel like a mischievous brother. I tried to achieve that with your interaction in the lane. Milio doesn't taunt you directly when he's in the lane, but annoys you until you're pissed off. That's how you taunt him,” says Riot Emizer.

All of Milio's abilities are as follows.

Passive – Fragment of Fire

  • Milio's abilities enchant allies he comes in contact with, causing their next damaging abilities or attacks to deal additional burst damage and burn the target.

Q - Super Power Fire Shot

  • Milio kicks a ball, knocking his opponent back. The ball bounces behind the target it hits, dealing damage and slowing enemies in the area of ​​effect.

W - Cozy Campfire

  • Milio creates a buff area that heals allies and increases their attack range. Alan follows the closest teammate to the usage point.

E - Fear Hug

  • Milio shields an ally, temporarily granting them movement speed.

R - Flame of Life

  • Milio unleashes a wave of incandescent flame that heals allies in range and removes crowd control effects on them.

When will the new LoL champion Milio be released?

Milio will officially release with the League of Legends 13.6 patch notes scheduled for release on Thursday, March 23, 2023 .

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