League of Legends Patch 10.24 Preview

League of Legends Patch 10.24 Preview
There are many balance changes to items and champions, details in the article.
The new League of Legends Mythic items and item changes in the pre-season 11 update brought a significant change to the champion and game meta. Needless to say, Riot needs to change a lot when it comes to making changes to new items as well as champions, and it looks like next patch 10.24 will do just that.

In a recent tweet, League of Legends game design director Mark 'Scruffy' Yetter revealed some of the planned updates that the developers will bring next week. It looks like there will be a lot of item tweaks and some champions will be nerfed and buffed as well.

League of Legends Patch 10.24 New Item Nerf and Buffs While we haven't yet received any details on exactly what item and champion changes will be in

League of Legends patch 10.24, Mark Yetter has shared a list of all possible targets.

Item Nerfs
  • Luden's Tempest
  • Liandries Anguish
  • Night Harvester
  • Riftmaker
  • Hextech Rocketbelt
  • lichbane
  • Demic Embrace
  • Nashors Tooth
  • Eclipse
  • Blade of the Ruined King

Item Buffs

  • Tear of the Goddess
  • AP Jungle Items
  • Kraken Slayer
  • Essence Reaver
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Moonstone Renewer
  • Prowler's Claw
  • Serpent's Fang

Champion Nerfs
  • Kayle
  • Samira
  • hecarim

Champion Buffs
  • Tryndamere

Kayle has gotten pretty strong when new items hit the servers, and at 25 minutes she can literally slash an entire enemy roster 1v5 by herself. Recent changes to Lichbane and the introduction of the Kraken Slayer have completely ruined his kit. From the middle of the game, he became one of the most oppressive champions to deal with.

Tryndamere, on the other hand, felt pretty boring with the release of new items, and players had an overwhelming win rate since season 11 started. Therefore, Riot Games will bring these changes to patch 10.24 , adding more changes to the League of Legends meta.

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