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League of Legends Patch 11.10 Changes

League of Legends Patch 11.10 Changes
League of Legends developer shared the 11.10 patch changes on his twitter account. The patch notes are not final yet and may change along with the official notes. Details are in the article.
It has been a short time since Riot Games ' latest patch 11.9 for League of Legends , but the developers have already shared some important details about the new patch notes on their official Twitter account. The 11.10 patch update , where we will see some champion changes , includes important balancing changes, namely buffs and debuffs. You can view and learn about these champions below. Also, to have information about all patch notes coming in 2021, click here .


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League of Legends Upcoming Patch 11.10

The new 11.10 patch will introduce balancing changes on key champions. While a few champions that are overly strong in both lanes will be weakened, on the contrary, champions that are a little weak on both lanes will be buffed to restore balance.


Weakened (Nerf) Champions

  • Thresh
  • Talon
  • Darius
  • Katarina
  • Jinx
  • Galio
  • bard

Buffed Champions

  • lux
  • Yuumi
  • irelia
  • Kayle
  • Zyra
  • Kennen
The aforementioned champion debuffs and buffs are as follows for now. In the future, when the official patch notes are fully released, there may be changes to the weakened and empowered champions. Wait for the official patch notes for more details and information . There are also some champion skins that are expected to be included in the game with the new patch. You can view these champions and skins in the table below;
Arcana CamilleArcana Lucian
Arcana Tahm KenchArcana Xerath

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