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League of Legends Private Store

League of Legends Private Store
The Special Store for League of Legends, which is periodically brought to the game and remains in the game for a limited time, is active again! Check your store by logging into your account for a chance on discounted costumes. Details are in the article.
The Private Store that League of Legends players have been waiting for a long time is back! Right after the 11.9 patch was included in the game , Riot Games brought the Exclusive Store for You as a surprise, ending the painful wait. Allowing players to purchase specially discounted skins , the Store offers a different skin and content for each account. So each player has different costumes in his shop . Apart from the Special Store discounts, you can buy discounted RP from our site and have these costumes at much more affordable prices. Special Store For YouDon't miss this opportunity as it's only available for a short time, that is, temporarily!


►  Morgana Selection in the Forest Region


League of Legends Custom Shop Skins

As we mentioned at the beginning of our article , Private Store offers separate costumes for each account. Aim; to allow players to purchase costumes at discounted prices. Thanks to this system, you can have costumes that you can't get, perhaps because they are too expensive. Also, if you don't have the champion of the skin that the Shop offers you, you can also purchase this champion at a discount . The images below are from the Custom Store skins.

♦ Custom Shop: Standard View ♦ Custom Shop: Representative Open View NOTE: Images are just an example, each account has different costumes and special discounts. You can view your Exclusive Store content through your own account.


You can access all these costumes and content between April 29, 2021 and May 31, 2021 until 19:00 . On the last day, May 31, 2021, the store will close and be shelved for an indefinite period.

► Click to buy discounted LoL RP now!


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