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League of Legends World Championship 2021 Schedule

League of Legends World Championship 2021 Schedule
League of Legends World Championship 2021 schedule has been announced. Five different cities in China will host the most important event of all LoL esports this year.

The League of Legends World Championship is the most important event among all LoL esports, where every year 24 of the world's best teams compete in a month-long tournament of different stages. This year's World Championship will be held in five major Chinese cities: Shanghai, Qingdao, Wuhan, Chengdu and Shenzhen. Each city will host different stages, and the grand finals will be held at the Universiade Sports Center in Shenzhen, which can host 60,000 people in the center of China's fifth largest city. China will only invite a limited number of people to the event due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.  


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League of Legends World Championship 2021 Format

Last year, the tournament was played entirely in Shanghai. While a limited number of fans were allowed to attend the grand finals due to COVID-19 restrictions, the preliminaries, group stages, quarter-finals and semi-finals were each played in an empty and more seedy atmosphere with no fans in attendance.

This year, there will be 12 teams that will start the tournament in the 1st and 2nd rounds of the Play-In. The other 12 teams will be waiting in the Group Stage, which will include Play-In survivors. The final stage of the tournament will be the Playoffs, where the 2021 LOL World Champion will be met in the grand finals.


League of Legends World Championship 2021 Teams

The teams that will compete in the League of Legends World Championship 2021 are not yet clear. However, we will update this article as soon as the teams become known. You might want to take a trip down memory lane and check out the list of former League of Legends world champions:

  • 2011 - Fnatic
  • 2012 - Taipei Assassins
  • 2013 - SK Telecom (T1)
  • 2014 - Samsung White
  • 2015 - SK Telecom (T1)
  • 2016 - SK Telecom (T1)
  • 2017 - Samsung Galaxy
  • 2018 - Invictus Gaming
  • 2019 - FunPLus Phoenix
  • 2020 - DAMWON Gaming

No prize pool or exact start date has been set for the LoL World Championship 2021 , but the grand finals will begin on November 6. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the tournament will start in October.

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