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League's Next Magnificent Store Skins Leaked

League's Next Magnificent Store Skins Leaked
The next League of Legends Magnificent store has been leaked, so we now know what champions we can expect in the store next month.

The next League of Legends Magnificent store has been leaked, so we now know what champions we can expect in the store next month. New skins enter the splendid shop every month , and sometimes we can see in advance which skins will be added. Whether it's the next glamorous new skin, old prestige skin, or a new legendary color, we'll have a look at what skins you can get soon.

Confirmed: Ash Knight Skin

Riot revealed in a tweet that the leaks are true and that the next Ash Knight skin will go to Sylas. The next Ashen Knight skin will land in the valley in the LoL 12.18 patch notes, which will also be the LoL Worlds update .


►  LoL Magnificent Revision: Magnificent Essence and Magnificent Store


Which LoL Skins Have Leaked for the Next Magnificent Store?


Each month, two old prestige skins can be purchased from the League of Legends Glory store. In the first Magnificent Store rotation , each costume was available for purchase for three months, but in the next update this will change and become a monthly rotation.

We're hoping for stylish prestige skins like True Damage Qiyana or even Witch Miss Fortune, but a leak by BigBadBear says it'll only be Ash Knight Sylas for now.

As for prestige skins, this time you'll have to settle for Lux and Zed. If you still need some Glorious Essence, be sure to redeem your Prime Gaming returns. With these you will get 5 free Essence of Glory and also some free RP . Of course if you want normal skins instead of prestigious ones.

Ash Knight Sylas3 months100 BC
Battle Academy Lux Prestige Edition1 month150 BC
CODE NAME: Zed Prestige Edition1 month125 BC

What Magnificent Colors will we see?

According to Julex_Gameplays on Twitter, we'll soon be getting a new Splendid color in the Splendid Store. Goodbye Glory color Star Guardian Jinx and hello Glory color Ezreal. According to Riot, Magnificent skins will be available in the shop for 40 BP.

Glorious ColorDurationCost
Battle Academy Ezreal1 month40 BC


►  Ezreal Battle Academy Skin Gets Glorious Colors


When is the next Magnificent Store Rotation?

The next League of Legends Magnificent Store rotation will land in the valley at patch 12.16. However, we're only getting new prestige skins in this rotation, as other splendid skins will stay in the shop for 3 months, while prestige skins change every month on a two-patch schedule. So if you're excited for a new Sylas skin, you'll have to wait a little longer.

►LoL Riot Points are in Foxngame stocks with 16% discount +Bonus RP. Click to buy RP: https://www.foxngame.com/league-of-legends


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