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League's Ranked Breakdown Changes | Adding Emerald Tier

League's Ranked Breakdown Changes | Adding Emerald Tier
LoL's rank distribution is changing, adding a new rank called "Emerald" between Platinum and Diamond tiers.

Riot Games made some changes for the League of Legends ranked season in early 2023. For example, the number of promotions has been reduced from 5 to 3, the visible ranks in matchmaking have been removed, and the year has been split into two ranked seasons. 

The developers said that players are mostly in the Silver and below tiers right now, and this distribution is very concentrated in the lower tiers. Only a small fraction of the player base is Gold 4 and above, so the ranked distribution of LoL is changing. After this change , a new level called " Emerald " was added between the Platinum and Diamond tiers, as they did not want the players to suddenly settle in Diamond and higher tiers .

A New Tier Called Emerald Is Adding To LoL

The majority of players in the history of LoL are in the Bronze and Silver ranks. Players in the Gold and Platinum leagues stand out as those with above-average talent. As a result, Bronze and Silver players are rated below or average.

With the changes to be made in Season 2 of League of Legends, the rating system will be made more fair. The gold tier will be centered and the ranks will be adjusted to better represent player groups. No changes will be made to Diamond or higher grades. However, a new rank, Emerald, is added between Diamond and Platinum. Emerald will have as many players as Platinum rated players. This will reduce the Diamond rank player density.


What has changed in the League of Legends ranked season?

Ranks are partially reset between seasons in LoL . This reset will be smaller than normal and players will start at a higher rank. Added features that will make it easier for you to regain the ranks you climbed in Season 1.

  • The number of placement games has been reduced from 10 to 5, and the hard reset allows you to rank faster.
  • The promotion streak has been removed and players will be able to advance to the next rank immediately once they get the required LP.

A while ago promotion streaks between divisions were completely removed from Wild Rift and not in TFT, which was well received by players. The developers, who think that their ranked system is quite exciting without the negative aspects of the promotion system, are also completely removing the promotion system from LoL.

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