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LoL 11.10 Patch Notes and Details

LoL 11.10 Patch Notes and Details
شاركت Riot Games ملاحظات التصحيح 11.10 لـ League of Legends. من خلال ملاحظات التصحيح LoL 11.10 ، يمكن ملاحظة أن منطقة الغابة تحظى بأهمية كما في التصحيحات السابقة. التفاصيل في المقال.

Riot Games has released the recently announced League of Legends 11.10 patch notes on its official site. The patch, which targeted the forest region in particular , brought along the updates that the players have been waiting for a while in general. Empowered jungle zone champions have been allowing you to perform above expectations lately. In addition, Riot, which plans to diversify in the forest region in the 11.10 update , has normally designed champions for different lanes, in order to increase the diversity in the forest region.what he adapted and thus added an extra strength to the region. To sum up, if you are a jungle zone player or want to switch to the jungle zone, now is the time!


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LoL 11.10 Patch Details 

lol 11.10 patch highlights  

Weakened (Nerf) Champions

1) Bard

  • Passive - Traveler's Call | Base Damage: 40 ⇒ 30

2) Darius

  • E - Hold Pull | Cooldown: 24/21/18/15/12 seconds ⇒ 26/24/22/20/18 seconds

3) Galio

  • W - Shield of Durand | Cooldown: 18/17.5/17/16.5/16 seconds ⇒ 18 seconds
  • W - Shield of Durand | Magic Damage Shield: 8/11/14/17/20% max health ⇒ 8/9.75/11.5/13.25/15% max health

4) Jinx

  • Base Qualities | Armor: 28 ⇒ 26

5) Katarina

  • Base Qualities | Movement Speed: 340 ⇒ 335

6) Talon

  • Q - Noxian Diplomacy | Damage Rate: 110% bonus AD ⇒ 100% bonus AD

7) Thresh

  • Base Qualities | Health: 561 ⇒ 530
                                     Health Growth: 93 ⇒ 95

Buffed Champions

1) Kaylee
  • Passive - Divine Ascension | Blazing AP Damage Rate: 20% ⇒ 25%

  • Passive - Divine Ascension | Great Bonus Attack Range: 50 (575 total) ⇒ 100 (625 total)

  • Passive - Divine Ascension | Fixed Muramana Bug: Kayle's flame waves now apply Muramana's Shock effect.

2) Kennen
  • W - Electric Wave | Max Charge Bonus Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 (20% AP) (60/70/80/90/100 AD) ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60 (25% AP) (60%) /70/80/90/100 NR)

3) Lux
  • E - Light Burst | Damage: 60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP) ⇒ 60/110/160/210/260 (+65% AP)

4) Yumi
  • Q - Sneak Shot | Base Damage: 40/70/100/130/160/190 ⇒ 50/80/110/140/170/200 / Empowered Base Damage: 45/85/125/165/205/245 ⇒ 60/100/140/180 /220/260

  • W - You and Me! |  Fixed Teammate Icon Bug: Yuumi's teammate's level icon now returns to normal after Yuumi leaves that teammate.

5) Zyra
  • Passive - Garden of Thorns | Vine Whip Slow: 25% ⇒ 30%

  • W - Overgrowth   | Cooldown: 20/18/16/14/12 seconds ⇒ 18/16/14/12/10 seconds

♦ LoL Mystic Series Costumes

Mystic LucianMystical Tahm Kench
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Mystical XerathMystic Camille
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Fixed Bugs

  • Updated the width of Pyke's E - Dark Tide's visual effect to better match the hit area.
  • Fixed a bug where Sneak Claw's Sand Slash effect only worked on champions and not on other targets such as minions.
  • Fixed a bug where the Bloodsword's "Physical Exploitation Healing for Champions" counter was incorrectly displaying the user's healing.
  • Aurelion Sol's Q - Star of Catastrophe stun and R - Sound of Light stun are no longer delayed for up to 0.25 seconds.
  • Rift Herald no longer looks the wrong way when it spawns.
  • Fixed a bug where Fizz's W - Seastone Harpoon was not gaining a stack of Tear of the Goddess when mowing minion.
  • The player now gains 350 Gold from the Scythe when the player completes the Scythe's Harvest's minion slashing requirement with the Scythe's Relic Shield's Spoils of War.
  • Yone's Q - Deadly Steel no longer activates Navori Series Blade only at close range.
  • Navori Seriblade now properly procs when Yasuo casts his E - Sweeping Blade and Q - Steel Storm combo.
  • If the player's bag is full and he sells his trinket to get the Totemstone, the item does not reduce the gold cost because the player's bag is full.
  • Fixed a bug where melee champions would gain 54% Bonus Attack Range from Bombard Cannon instead of 35%.
  • Dance of Death no longer extends Aspect of the Dragon's burn damage duration more than intended (3 seconds).
  • Fixed a bug where the scarecrows of Fiddlesticks' Passive - Harmless Scarecrow were not usable throughout the game if the player sold their Poro Cookie in ARAM.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Akali to deal double damage with her E - Agile Weapon ability when her target was too close to a wall.
  • If Vladimir uses Zhonya's Hourglass's Time Stop effect during W - Crimson Pool, Vladimir becomes targetable when the ability expires.

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