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LoL 11.11 Patch Debuffs and Buffs

LoL 11.11 Patch Debuffs and Buffs
League of Legends patch notes 11.11, debuff to recently favored champions like Morgana and Rumble; Brings buffs to champions like Azir, Ryze, Ezreal that are favored at the pro level but whose effect is diminished over time.
Less than a week before the League of Legends 11.11 patch, which is currently under testing on PBE servers, buffs and debuffs on champions have been published on twitter. In the last few patches , detailed work has been done to revive the jungle zone and increase the variety of characters. In the 11.10 patch notes, Riot adapted non-jungle champions to play in the jungle zone with a skill kit.


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Jungle champion Morgana , who is often preferred in the mid laner and support role, was the strongest champion in the region with the buff she received in patch 11.10 . Likewise, Rumble received a buff in the last patch to improve its performance in the top lane. However, the developers said in an announcement last week that jungle zone alternate champion buffs will now be gradually weakened in patch 11.11 . In addition to these weakenings, among the champions to be strengthened are Azir and Ryze , which are frequently preferred at the professional level in recent seasons, but are not strong enough in the current patch notes.There are characters like

League of Legends 11.11 Patch Prospects

The new magnificent items and item arrays added to the 11th season of League of Legends could not have the desired effect on some champions, especially Ezreal , and most of the players stopped playing these champions. In the LoL 11.11 patch update , developers who want to fix this situation aim to balance the game by providing weakening in the most preferred champions and buffing in the champions that are almost not played anymore . The information shared is uncertain until the official patch notes are released.

Weakened (Nerf) Champions

  • morgana
  • Lee Sin
  • rumble
  • Elise
  • Leona
  • Urgot
  • Shaco
  • Qiyana

Buffed Champions

  • azir
  • Graves
  • hecarim
  • Ryze
  • Ezreal
  • seraphine
  • illaoi
  • Teemo

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