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LoL 11.11 Patch Notes and Details

LoL 11.11 Patch Notes and Details
Riot Games has provided details of patch 11.11, the latest patch for League of Legends. The patch notes include various weakening and buff details, and important changes are noteworthy.

Riot Games has shared the new 11.11 patch for League of Legends . It has been reported that the main purpose of the patch is to revisit the first patch changes for season 11 and to balance the details such as forest changes and buffs introduced in previous patches. As you know, significant changes have been made in the forest region in the past patches. These changes have made champions like Morgana and Rumble very effective in the jungle region. With the LoL 11.11 patch, bi forces will be balanced and made more stable. There are also significant changes for the champions Senna and Master Yi, who use certain items frequently. You can view general details below.


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LoL 11.11 Patch Details 

lol 11.11 patch highlights

Weakened (Nerf) Champions

1) Elise

  • Q - Passive - Spider Queen | Spider Form Hit Damage Rate:  30% AP ⇒ 20% AP

2) Lee Sin

  • E - Storm | Standby time:8 seconds ⇒ 9 seconds

3) Leona

  • W - Eclipse | Base Damage:60/95/130/165/200 ⇒ 45/80/115/150/185

4) Morgana

  • W - Shadow of Cruelty | Damage to Non-Epic Monsters:  185% ⇒ 155%

5) Qiyana

  • W - Ruler of the Realm | Additional Movement Speed:5/7/9/11/13% ⇒ 3/5/7/9/11%

6) Rumble

  • Passive - Junkyard Giant | Hit Damage Cap against Monsters: 120 ⇒ 80

7) Shaco

  • W - Jester Box | Damage Rate: 10% AP (20% AP vs single target) ⇒ 9% AP (18% vs single target)
  • E - Double Toxic Blade | AP Damage Rate: 55% ⇒ 50%

8) Urgot

  • W - Destruction | Adjusted Damage Rate:  20/24/28/32/36 % AD ⇒ 20/23.5/27/30.5/34% AD


Buffed Champions

1) Azir
  • Q - Conqueror of the Sands | Cost: 70 Mana ⇒ 55 Mana

2) Ezreal
  • Base Qualities | Health Regen Growth:  0.55 ⇒ 0.65/ Armor: 22 ⇒ 24

3) Graves
  • Base Qualities | AD Growth: 3 ⇒ 4

4) Hecarim
  • Q - Agitated | Damage Rate: 70% bonus AD ⇒ 75% bonus AD

  • E - Destructive Attack |  Minimum Damage Rate: 50% Bonus AD ⇒ 55% Bonus AD / Maximum Damage Rate: 100% Bonus AD ⇒ 110% Bonus AD

5) Nautilus
  • E - Tide | Giant of Monsters: Tide now deals 150% more damage to monsters.

6) Ryze
  • Base Qualities | Health Growth Rate: 98 ⇒ 110

7) Teemo
  • W - Serial Step | Cooldown:  17 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds

8) Seraphine
  • W - Surround Sound | Base Shield Provided to Himself: 1-18. 75-150 at levels ⇒ 1-18. at levels 75-225

  • W - Surround Sound   | Base Shield Provided to Teammate: 1-18. 50-100 at levels ⇒ 1-18. at levels 50-150

9) singed
  • E - Keep Swing | Cooldown:  10 seconds ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds

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Fixed Bugs

  • Ahri's E - Charm no longer causes jungle monsters to regenerate when cast out of combat.
  • Base Karma's Q and E VFX have been updated and highlighted.
  • Attacking Hextech Malzahar or Despot Swain will now trigger more metallic sounds.
  • Fixed a bug where Worldscatter Malzahar's Q - Void's Summon was inaudible at the start of the ability when cast through Fog of War.
  • Fixed a bug where Crystal Rose Swain was unable to hear whispers or soul sucking sounds when using her R - Demon Fire ability to start absorbing the target's soul.
  • Re-enabled lines played for champions and skins when the shop is opened.
  • Changed Taliyah's line to close the shop to the line to open the shop.
  • Lux's R - Final Spark line now replays.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to cast Xin Zhao's E - Hardy Charge on an enemy outside of range and then recast without a target would cause the ability to go on cooldown and cost mana even if it wasn't activating.
  • Rammus' R - Sharp Shot no longer deals immediate damage when cast from the base of the target.
  • Alistar's Q - Shredge no longer grants a Passive - Cry of Glory stacks when cast on an enemy with a spell shield.
  • Kassadin can no longer trigger Electrify when his two different attacks only hit a single champion.

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