LoL 11.11 Patch Possible Changes

LoL 11.11 Patch Possible Changes
It has been a very short time since the 11.10 patch for League of Legends. Despite this, new information about the LoL 11.11 patch has emerged. Details are in the article.

Riot Games recently brought the 11.10 patch notes, targeting the jungle region, to League of Legends . In the patch update, which made diversity in jungle champions, champions designed for different lanes were adapted to the jungle region. For more details, you can check out our " LoL 11.10 Patch Notes and Details " article.

It hasn't been too long since the last update, but a few details about the LoL 11.11 patch notes were shared on the social media community pages. Let's take a look at the innovations that the developer company, which is constantly trying to keep the valley up to date, such as updates, in-game balances, events and special content, will offer us in the 11.11 patch .


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What We Know About LoL 11.11 Patch

New skins are being added to the Codename series with the League of Legends 11.11 patch notes . Project Bastion , in Turkish, Code Name: Bastion or Code Name: Burç costume collection; It will be brought to main servers from May 26-27 with the new upcoming patch for champions Varus, Sejuani, Senna, Renekton, Mordekaiser, and Syslas . The costume collection, which is planned to be active for two patches, will also include patch notes 11.2 and 11.3. If you wish, you can take a look at the League of Legends 2021 patch notes calendar . You can view Codename: Bastion costume images below ;
CODE NAME: MordekaiserCODE NAME: Renekton
lol codename mordekaiser costumelol codename renekton costume
lol codename varus costumelol codename sejuani costume
lol codename senna costumelol codename sylas costume

There is not much information about the champion weakening or buff of the LoL 11.11 patch yet, but although it is not finalized, we have reached some information about Master Yi and Nautilus , such that this information is not certain, but it is quite possible that there will be changes when it is brought to the servers.

♦ Master Yi

  • Alpha Strike (Q) - Ability's attack damage damage reduced from 100% to 90%.
  • Alpha Strike (Q) - Critical attack damage ratio reduced from 60% to 54%.
  • Wuju Style (E) - Base damage dealt increased from 20/30/40/50/60 to 30/40/50/60/70.

♦ Nautilus
  • Tide (E) - This ability deals 200% damage to jungle monsters.

That's all we know about the LoL 11.11 patch notes for now, we'll keep you posted if more information comes in. Continue to follow us.

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