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LoL 11.6 Patch Battle Academy Skins

LoL 11.6 Patch Battle Academy Skins
The League of Legends 11.6 patch notes, currently live on the PBE server, bring five awesome champions to the valley with brand new Battle Academy Skin skins. Check out our article for the 11.6 patch notes and Battle Academy Skin details, scheduled for release on March 17.

Earlier this week , League of Legends received the 11.5 patch update, which saw a number of other changes along with the fun addition of the Buzz Skin series skins . Thanks to the free update schedule for those wondering, the next League of Legends patch notes 11.6 are expected to be released on March 17, 2021.  The patch notes for patch 11.6, which will be released alongside the brand new Battle Academy Skin Skins , will also bring debuffs to some sustainability items and runes.

There are currently six new champion skins being tested for five different champions on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) server. These; Battle Academy Caitlyn, Battle Academy Garen, Battle Academy Leona, Battle Academy Leona Prestige Edition, Battle Academy Wukong, and Battle Academy Yone.


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LoL 11.6 Patch Notes

Gameplay Design Director Mark Yetter has released the planned quality of life changes for patch 11.6 . However, these do not exactly match the changes added to the PBE server. Therefore, we will share with you both versions of the changes.

♦ Item Changes 

Immortal Shield Bow [Nerf]
  • On the PBE server;
    - Lifesteal: 12% → 10%
    - Total item cost: 3400 gold → 3450 gold
    - Combine cost: 600 → 650
  • According to Mark Yetter;
    - Lifesteal: 12% → 10%
    - Passive Vital Link
        • No longer grants extra lifesteal
        • Now grants 25-50% attack speed
        • Shield Amount: 250-700 → 300-800

Eclipse / Eclipse [Nerf]

  • On the PBE server;
    - Total cost: 3200 gold → 3250 gold
    - Combine cost: 850 → 900

Blood Sword / Sanguine Blade [Nerf]

  • On the PBE server;
    - Total item cost: 3000 gold → 3050 gold
    - Combine cost: 1000 → 1050

Raven Hydra [Nerf]

  • On the PBE server;
    - Total item cost: 3300 gold → 3350 gold
    - Combine cost: 100 → 150

Blade of the Ruined King [Nerf]

  • On the PBE server;
    - Lifesteal: 12% → 10%
    - Total item cost: 3200 gold → 3250 gold
    - Combine cost: 425 → 475
  • According to Mark Yetter;
    - Lifesteal: 12% → 10%
    - Passive damage: 40-120 → 40-150

Vampire Staff [Nerf]

  • On the PBE server;
    - Lifesteal: 10% → 8%
  • According to Mark Yetter;
    - Lifesteal: 10% → 8%
    - Total item cost: 900 → 850

Bloodthirsty [Nerf]

  • On the PBE server;
    - Total item cost: 3400 gold → 3450 gold
    - Combine cost: 600 → 650

♦ Rune Changes

Raven Hunter

  • Omnivamp lowered: [1% +1.7% per STO stack] → [0% + 1.5% per STO stack]

LoL 11.6 Patch | Battle Academy Costumes 

As you can tell, the theme in each skin is based on the characters' journey through the academy. All other skins, except the Battle Academy Leona Prestige Edition, will cost 1350 RP each when they launch later this month, and the extra Prestige skin will cost 100 Prestige points. The skins, which will come in a total of five, will join Jayce, Lux, Katarina, and Ezreal, which were previously included in the game, in the Battle Academy series.

War Academy CaitlynWar Academy Garen
Battle Academy YoneBattle Academy Leona
Battle Academy Wukong

♦ Battle Academy Summoner Icons

Battle Academy Champion Skins  

♦ Battle Academy | yone 

 ♦ Battle Academy | Caitlyn

♦ Battle Academy | garen

♦ Battle Academy | Leona 

♦ Battle Academy | Leona Prestige Edition 

♦ Battle Academy | wukong

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