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LoL 11.6 Patch Item and Champion Balancing

LoL 11.6 Patch Item and Champion Balancing
League of Legends developers continue to work for the new 11.6 patch. They seem to be focusing on item and champion balancing for the new patch. Details are in the article.

Riot Games is providing and testing some changes on the PBE server for the new update of League of Legends , patch 11.6 . League of Legends has been quite revamped over the past few months with the start of Season 11. The most radical change was made in the game's item system, and new Splendid items were added to the game. This situation provided a significant change in the meta of the game and had a great impact on the struggles of the teams in the professional arena. The biggest problem for League of Legends recently is that there are quite a lot of healing items in the game. The developers will have provided the necessary controls on the subject, so some minor changes seem to be provided.


League of LegendsScruffy, the game design director, warned us about what awaits us in patch 11.6 with a post he shared on Twitter. Some item changes will be provided for the upcoming patch 11.6 . In addition, as in every update, some champions will be weakened and strengthened.

LoL 11.6 Patch Possible Champion Balance Changes

Buffed Champions

  • Akali
  • Xin Zhao
  • Leblanc
  • sylas
  • pyke
  • volibear

Weakened Champions

  • hecarim
  • Karthus
  • Urgot
  • Lillia
  • renekton
  • gnar

In addition to all this, with the 11.6 patch, developers will focus on items to balance the game. The new update will be released between 16 - 17 March, estimated. There is no certainty about the information contained in the article. Note that updates that are projected onto the PBE server may be changed at the last minute or removed entirely.

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