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LoL 11.8 Patch Possible Balancing Changes

LoL 11.8 Patch Possible Balancing Changes
With the release of patch 11.7 in the past weeks, many adjustments have been made. With the 11.8 patch, balancing will be achieved over champions with high and low win rates. Details are in the article.

Riot Games ' next update for League of Legends, 11.8 patch notes, is coming very soon. Many of the changes to be made in the new patch have already been announced, focusing on ranked matchmaking. In addition, the developers aim and anticipate that their changes will have a significant impact on the professional arena scene. Among the champions with changes, adjustments and balancing, there are also the most preferred champions in professional level matches. Apart from these changes, it is expected that the new champion Gwen will be included in the game with the 11.8 patch .

Champions considered to be stronger than other champions by a certain percentage will be weakened this patch, forcing a meta change in both the ranked and pro arenas of the game. Summoner's Rift transitioning to new gameplay strategies can lead to interesting and entertaining displays in professional encounters. It will be interesting to observe these strategy changes that will be determined in the coming days.

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Possible Changes for Patch 11.8

♦ Champions Expected to Be Weakened
Below is a list of champions that are expected to be weakened. Details of changes to these champions will be available after patch 11.8 is officially released.
  • Annie
  • Thresh
  • gnar
  • orianna
  • Yorick

♦ Champions Expected to Buff
Below is a list of champions that are expected to be buffed. Details of changes to these champions will be available after patch 11.8 is officially released.

  • LeBlanc
  • Lee Sin
  • Aphelios
  • Zac
  • Cassiopeia
  • Vladimir

♦ Gwen Talents

Passive - Thousand CutsQ - Knock Knock!W - Blessed MistE - Force HorseR - Loop Loop
Gwen's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on hit based on her percentage of health. Basic attacks against champions heal him for a fraction of the damage dealt.Gwen quickly uses her shears two to six times, dealing magic damage to a cone-shaped area. She uses her scissors at least twice and deals one additional scissor strike per basic attack she hits the opponent (up to four more for a total of six hits). Enemies at the center of each scissor strike take bonus magic damage from Thousand Slash in addition to true damage.Gwen surrounds herself in Holy Mist for five seconds, gaining armor and magic resist while inside it. Enemies outside of the mist cannot target Gwen and cannot hit her with abilities. The fog follows Gwen the first time she tries to leave the area, but disappears the next time.Gwen dashes a short distance and amplifies her attacks for four seconds, gaining range, speed, and magic damage on hit. Meanwhile, attacking an enemy refunds 50% of the ability's cooldown.Gwen can cast Loop Loop up to three times, but must hit an enemy within 8 seconds before she can unlock each consecutive cast. Each cast fires stings that travel in a line, dealing magic damage, slowing enemies, and dealing bonus magic damage from Gwen's Thousand Slash. The first use throws one needle, the second use three needles, and the last use five needles. Each of the nine pins hitting the opponents applies the effect of Thousand Cuts once (ie, nine times in total).

According to the data collected and obtained from various statistics sites, the champions with the highest professional level winning rate this season are listed. Among the champions to be weakened, which we have mentioned in this article, there are three most preferred champions. These are Orianna , Thresh and Gnar . It has been observed that champions can create a snowball effect in the hands of professional players, which is quite effective and can bring victory. Although

Thresh is not preferred much in the support area compared to other champion options, his win rate is quite high. This is thought to be due to its frequent prohibition. Likewise, Gnar in the top lane areaPlayers who made the choice are among the champions with a high win rate of 85%, with 85 wins out of 100 matches. It is also known to be frequently banned in professional level matches. In mid laner, Orianna is among the first choices of many professional mid laners and has a high win rate. In addition, his ability to provide extra support to his team in team battles and the potential to start a war brings him to the top of the list.

It is already a matter of curiosity to see what kind of effects the debuffs to be made on these champions will have on the meta of the game. As we mentioned before, these changes are scheduled to be brought to the main servers on April 14.

♦ Gwen Trailer

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