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LoL 11.9 Patch Possible Changes

LoL 11.9 Patch Possible Changes
The League of Legends design director detailed these changes on his twitter account. We shared with you in our article the possible changes that can be made with the 11.9 patch of LoL. Details are in the article.

Riot Games is bringing a pretty big patch to League of Legends next week . LoL 11.9 patch aims to reshape the meta by making effective changes to the jungle region of the game. With the new patch, which is expected to be released on April 28, most of the changes will be on champions, and Hecarim, one of the effective champions of the jungle region, and 9 more champions will be weakened . These changes, which are shared as a note in the developers' update report , provide general information. All of the changes we will talk about in our article are possible updates, they may change when the official patch notes are released. Therefore, for the healthiest information, we will share with you when the official patch notes are released.


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League of Legends 11.9 Patch Details

As LoL 11.9 patch focuses on champions in general, it is expected that there will be significant changes affecting the meta of the game. While many champions are weakened, some champions will be strengthened externally. Based on the information obtained, according to our estimations, the competitive environment may reshape and bring new strategies.  You can view the possible champions to be weakened and empowered below;

♦ Champions to Nerf (Nerf)

  • hecarim
  • morgana
  • Diana
  • Dr. mundo
  • rumble
  • Vladimir
  • Jinx
  • Gragas
  • Heimerdinger
  • garen

♦ Champions to Buff 
  • kindred
  • shen
  • Xerath
  • Kog'Maw
  • Taric
  • Lulu
  • trundle
  • Kayn Sett

Note that these changes are not finalized yet and are currently only in the testing phase on PBE servers. So nothing will be guaranteed until the official patch notes next week.

League of Legends 2021 Patch Schedule 

Packed with new champion skins, item and rune changes, fixes and balances, the occasional new or returning game modes, and more, LoL patches are a crucial part of the popular MOBA game. So much so that the developer company Riot Games includes new patch updates on average every two weeks. Patches are first tested on PBE servers to avoid any issues before going live. Below you can see all the patch notes and dates for League of Legends scheduled for 2021. 

11.1 PatchJanuary 6, 2021 | Wednesday
Patch 11.2January 21, 2021 | Thursday
Patch 11.3February 3, 2021 | Wednesday
Patch 11.4February 18, 2021 | Thursday
Patch 11.5March 3, 2021 | Wednesday
11.6 PatchMarch 17, 2021 | Wednesday
Patch 11.7March 31, 2021 | Wednesday
11.8 PatchApril 14, 2021 | Wednesday
11.9 PatchApril 28, 2021 | Wednesday
11.10 PatchMay 12, 2021 | Wednesday
11.11 PatchMay 26, 2021 | Wednesday
11.12 PatchJune 9, 2021 | Wednesday
11.13 PatchJune 23, 2021 | Wednesday
11.14 Patch8 July 2021 | Thursday
11.15 Patch21 July 2021 | Wednesday
11.16 PatchAugust 18, 2021 | Wednesday
11.17 PatchSeptember 1, 2021 | Wednesday
11.18 PatchSeptember 15, 2021 | Wednesday
11.19 PatchSeptember 29, 2021 | Wednesday
11.20 PatchOctober 13, 2021 | Wednesday
11.21 PatchOctober 27, 2021 | Wednesday
11.22 PatchNovember 10, 2021 | Wednesday
11.23 Patch23 November 2021 | Tuesday
11.24 PatchDecember 8, 2021 | Wednesday

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