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LoL 13.4 Patch Notes | Champion and System Updates

LoL 13.4 Patch Notes | Champion and System Updates
League of Legends 13.4 patch notes preview has been released.

There have been many major changes to League of Legends over the past few patches . Season 13 introduced quite a few things as Riot tries to fix emerging issues and strike the perfect balance of power levels in the game . Most often, changes are made for solo queue and pro play. Therefore, how all esports leagues work is important for balancing the game.

In patch 13.3, the brand new Aurelion Sol comprehensive gameplay revamp and Ahri visual and sustainability update have landed in the valley. It also featured a number of notable changes such as Tank Support and Annie buffs, K'Sante nerfs and more.


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LoL 13.4 Patch Notes: Champion and System Updates

In the League of Legends 13.4 patch notes , Annie and Aurelion Sol have been given a fix for being too strong after the buff and rework release. Also, Aurelion Sol had to be disabled due to a game-breaking bug. However, there are some changes they would like to address, including more changes in jungle and experience.

In the best of Riot Phraxzon's terms, a lot is coming in this patch. Now that Riot has fixed all the issues with the social engineering attack, it finally has the tools to test the changes internally. Here is the patch preview shared by Riot Phroxzon.

Empowered champions

  1. Ahri
  2. Alistar
  3. Aphelios
  4. Cho'Gath
  5. malphite
  6. orianna
  7. Riven
  8. senna
  9. viego
  10. igar

Weakened champions

Jarvan IV is getting some debuffs to reduce buffs from the last patch, and some strong picks like Jax and Maokai take some hits. All in all, a pretty heaped list of nerfs.

  1. Amumu
  2. anivia
  3. azir
  4. Elise
  5. Jarvan IV
  6. jax
  7. maokai
  8. Samira
  9. Udyr

Champion edits


Q and E amplify when W is hit.

Q - Death Penalty:

  • Magic Damage: 100-280 >>> 100-300.
  • AP Rate: 80% >>> 90%.
  • Cooldown Time: 19-11 seconds >>> 19-9 seconds.

W - Dark Pass:

  • Basic Shield: 50-150 >>> 50-130.
  • Waiting time: 22-16 >>> 21-17.

E - Facial:

  • Base Damage: 75-215 >>> 75-235.
  • AP Rate: 60% >>> 70%.

System Buff

Support items are changing in patch 13.4 . The Commemorative Shield and Steel Shoulder are receiving some health regen.

  1. Souvenir Shield (Starter Item)
    - Base Health Regen: 25% >>> 75%.
  2. Spear of Targon (Upgraded from Relic Shield)
    - Base Health Regen: 50% >>> 75%.
  3. Steel Shoulder Brace (Starter Item)
    - Base Health Regen: 25% >>> 75%.
  4. Steel Shoulder (Steel Shoulder Raised)
    - Base Health Regen: 50% >>> 75%.

When are the LoL 13.4 patch notes released?

According to the League of Legends 2023 patch calendar, the 13.4 update will be released on February 23, 2023.

League of Legends new Astronaut skins

New Astronaut skins for Fizz, Ivern, Kennen, Singed, and Xerath are coming in the LoL patch 13.4 notes . Here are all the skins coming on February 24, 2023.

Astronaut Fizz and Kennen


Astronaut Ivern


Astronaut Singed


Astronaut Xerath


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