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LoL 2023 Pre-Season: All New Jungle Changes

LoL 2023 Pre-Season: All New Jungle Changes
Riot Games is sharing major jungle changes for the upcoming League of Legends pre-season 2023.

Riot Games is sharing major jungle changes for the upcoming League of Legends pre-season 2023 . There are many roles in LoL, but the most effective of them is jungle . A jungler can turn the tide of any game if he's good enough and can often carry it alone.

However, the jungle is often the team's punching bag. All these skills are difficult for most new players to learn, as they have to constantly multitask and try to help with raids in every lane .

League of Legends Garena shared a slightly early article where they talk about making some big jungle changes in pre-season 2023 . In this post, Riot stated that they didn't want the majority of the actor to avoid the role and admitted that they failed on that matrix when it comes to forestry. Because of all these problems and nuances, they want to change the forest role. This will make it easier for people to learn and adapt. Some of the changes will include jungle path helpers, jungle item changes , and most importantly jungle monsters.


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LoL 2023 Pre-Season All Jungle Changes 


Adjustment Mechanics

Riot is currently investigating some changes for the 2023 preseason , such as roadside assistance in the jungle. Similar to the suggested item list, but primarily it will help to be a stepping stone towards mastering the role. Also, Riot is trying to make it easy for new players to enter without keeping the jungle cluttered.

Communication System Changes

Riot Phroxzon also talked about some changes regarding communication. They want to add more ways that foresters can use communication as a skill expression method.

Because foresters rely on proactive communication, they make sure the role has more tools to do it. They're exploring giving junglers more tools to ensure their teams hit targets or broadcast their raids into their lane, among other ideas.

Forest Clearance Changes

Currently in League of legends different characters need to have really fast/optimized clarity to be able to live in the jungle. This is why slower champions are never picked or played in the current jungle meta , as they often can't keep up.

Since forest clearing optimization is a big barrier to entry, players don't want to learn the role properly. So they want to solve this problem to remove this barrier of entry.

They also noted that some skill expression will be lost with these changes, but they will move some of the complexity and skill of the jungle away from net optimization. By doing this, they feel it would be a good tradeoff for the forest in general.

Jungle Item Changes

The developers want to add more changes to jungle items in League 's 2023 season . To them, the available jungle items are not that exciting or straightforward. They want jungle items to be more meaningful and effective like the old Great Lizard's Spirit, even if these items have been removed.  

Jungle Monsters

As mentioned earlier, Riot wants to add jungle monsters similar to the old Great Lizard's Spirit; He will help the jungler by clearing and defeating the epic monsters. While in the jungle, they gradually gain speed and raise their stats until they grow big enough to power up the jungler.  

When will the League of Legends 2023 Pre-Season period begin?

While there aren't many tangible gameplay changes put forward by the League team yet, today's update has given players a strong amount of insight that the developers have been sticking around. League's pre-season patches traditionally start in November , so there's still plenty of time for more information on jungle changes. This is all that is known about the League of Legends 2023 pre-season period for now. We will keep you informed as more information is shared. Follow our social media accounts so you don't miss the news.




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