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LoL Client Improvements Continue

LoL Client Improvements Continue
Riot Games developers recently mentioned new developments and stated that they continue to improve the lol client. This news was shared via a blog post. Details are in the article.

We announced in our " LoL Client Improvements Report " article in the past months that Riot Games will provide improvements over the League of Legends client . Before long, the company finally provided some bug fixes and in-game improvements to the game. Let's take a look at the changes shared via a blog post.


►  LoL 11.9 Patch Possible Changes


LoL Client Improvement Studies

Riot Games shed light on the changes to be made on the LoL client in its latest blog post shared on the official League of Legends site. The game and client performance studies, which have been among the long-term plans of the developers , will be included in the client and game in the upcoming patches , thus increasing the performance significantly. Click here to learn the patch calendar for 2021 .

Emphasizing that "CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) - a web browser that lies at the heart of LoL Client architecture" development must be completed in order to make these changes, the developers added that they are working hard.

With this CEF update, performance and stability will be increased on the LoL client . In this way, the client will no longer run as slow as before or common errors will not be encountered. In addition to all these, thanks to the improvement of this infrastructure, which acts as a scanner, your computer will no longer be as burdened as before. This is the FPS in the gameyour performance will increase and naturally your in-game animations will create a more lively and smoother effect than before. If we need to summarize briefly, by increasing the compatibility and performance of your computer with the client, by reducing the load on your processor, memory or memories, video card; You will be able to use this performance more effectively in the game's FPS and animations again. Below you can see all the details this update will bring;

  • Reduction in client crashes
  • Compatibility improvements
  • Higher WebSocket performance
  • Better animation performance
  • Better FPS
  • Smarter CPU usage
  • Better Javascript performance

Talking about social panel updates in previous blog posts, the developers elaborated on the subject and said;

One of the points we talked about in our last article was the social panel. In the long run our plan is to migrate the social panel from ComponentsJS (legacy architecture) to Ember. While this work has been paused as we are currently working on completing the CEF update, we have completed some of the first steps in the transition to Ember and will pick up where we left off as soon as CEF is updated.

The timeframe for the developments has not been shared yet, but it is planned to end towards the end of July 2021.

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