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LoL Counter Pick Series - Mordekaiser

LoL Counter Pick Series - Mordekaiser
There are approximately 160 champions in total within League of Legends and the number of these champions is increasing rapidly. In this post, we discuss the champions you can pick against a specific champion. Details are in the article.
There are nearly 160 champions in League of Legends , and each of these champions has a counter-selection. So  what is the counter-selection?and how to choose? Counterselecting means that you choose a champion based on the champions chosen by the opposing players. The reason you do this is to choose a champion that can block their abilities and counter-move against the opposing champion. In this way, you can be in a superior position against your opponent with the right play style in the laning phase. The superiority you will establish against your opponent will create a big snowball effect on you in the later minutes of the game and will greatly benefit you in winning the match. The first thing to consider when choosing a counter is to analyze your opponent well. You can see the champion selections of the opposing team, but you cannot know for sure which opponent will play against you. This is something you can learn with time and experience.


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Champions You Can Take Against Mordekaiser

Our chosen champion for this week is Mordekaiser, one of the forgotten names of the top lane stage. If you chose Mordekaiser in a match , there are 5 champions in total that you can encounter on the opposing team. So, how do you know which of these champions will come your way? There are many ways to do this, and none of them are conclusive. You just need to have a good level of experience and guessing skills according to the game. The champion selections of the opposing team should be well analyzed and you should determine accordingly when you choose. So if you have a Mordekaiser player in front of you, which champion should you get?

♦ Kayle - Blade of Justice
Kayle is one of the best picks you can play against Mordekaiser in the game . With Kayle 's ranged abilities and healing ability, Mordekaiser in top laneIt is among the champions that can be taken against . You can poke your opponent slowly using your abilities, while being careful to avoid taking damage thanks to your range. In addition, you can use your extra movement speed from your healing ability when the enemy team's jungle player approaches you in the laning phase and quickly run away. When your level reaches 6 and you activate your ultimate ability, you can use it against your opponent. If exchanges deal melee damage, you can use your ultimate to bait and kill your opponent just before they die. This makes Kayle a good choice in terms of ability and range.

♦ Vayne - Night Hunter
Vayne is one of the most effective champions in the game and generally acts as a low lane marksman, but some players may prefer Vayne in the top lane against some champions. Thanks to his current range and abilities, he can inflict high damage or drive his opponents away. Vayne can nudge close-range opponents quite a bit, along with explosive damage from her Q and W. When playing Vayne, you should not bring melee champions close to you and should always poke. You should act offensively against your opponents, but while doing this, you should look for a suitable position. Your opponents can kill you or inflict high damage the moment they catch you.

♦ Sylas - Chain of Rebellion
Sylas is currently top of the list of strong champions in the latest meta. He is one of the best choices against Mordekaiser in the top lane, using his cooldowns effectively thanks to the mobility and power provided by his skill kit . Similar to Kayle's selection, you can heal yourself by using your W ability in mutual trades and leave the trades with an advantage. In the later stages of the game, when you reach the 6th level, you will be much more advantageous from mutual exchanges by using your ultimate ability. Sylas can use his ultimate to steal his opponents' ultimate and use it against his opponents. MordekaiserIt will be in your best interest to use the skill you stole from him during the exchange with him.

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