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LoL Jungle Champion Udyr Refreshing

LoL Jungle Champion Udyr Refreshing
Udyr is finally getting the long-awaited rework, thanks to the champion rework survey that Riot Games presented to fans in Season 11.

Soul Walker Udyr has been named as the next League of Legends champion to go through a major overhaul in 2021 . While some champions have received minor changes more recently, Udyr will have new abilities, a new skin, and possibly a new passive. Maybe even more can be added to the story.

When Udyr was selected for rework , he was one of the least played champions in the game. This was because his kit was out of date and there was nothing that could help him reach his goals on a regular basis. Then came the rework item Turbo Chemtank. This item instantly made Udyr one of the most desirable champions in the jungle. This happened not only in solo matches, but also in pro play.


Due to his level of interest in 2021, many fans are starting to wonder if he really needs a rework. Fortunately, Udyr's regeneration will still remain relatively the same, given what has been shown so far. In the latest Dev Diary, it was shown that Udyr will still maintain his main identity as a stance-shifting monk/shaman. They will base their abilities more on the Frejlord gods but overall it looks like it will remain similar to its current form.


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LoL Udyr Rework Abilities

Udyr is finally getting its long-awaited rework, thanks to the champion rework survey that Riot Games presented to fans in Season 11 . While common in the 2021 meta, his outdated kit hasn't had much impact in Summoner's Rift. To combat this, Riot recently supported Fiddlesticks and Dr. He plans to bring Udyr into the modern game, as they did with Mundo.

While there are no details circulating yet about Udyr's overhauled kit, there is a certain design aspect that Riot is looking to take on the jungler, they want to keep it melee centered while retaining its "State-changing identity". Chief champion producer Ryan 'Reav3' Mireles said briefly about the Udyr rework in January 2022: “ We think that's what makes Udyr unique and stand out on the roster. We want to add a little more interest to their stance and melee setup to add a bit more depth to their gameplay, and to make it clearer when Udyr does something great. "

Udyr rework skins


As with every VGU, all of Udyr's skins will be reworked , including the final 3250 RP Spirit Guard cosmetics . You can find the full list of her cosmetics below.

  • Blackbelt Udyr (520 RP)
  • I'm the Animal Udyr (975 RP)
  • Oracle Dragon Udyr (1350 RP)
  • Spirit Guard Udyr (3250 RP)

The developers said they wanted to elevate Udyr's visuals to modern League standards while maintaining a general warrior-shaman theme. "Our aim is not to reinvent Udyr's images, but to build upon them."  

As for the Udyr Rework release date , it looks likely to be in May or June 2022.

► The cheapest RP is in Foxngame. Buy now discounted LoL RP: https://www.foxngame.com/league-of-legends


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