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LoL Magnificent Store Rotation: Skins, Accessories

LoL Magnificent Store Rotation: Skins, Accessories
The Magnificent Store first appeared in patch 12.12. Riot is also adding new content to the Magnificent Store, called Splendid Colors.

In League of Legends Season 12 , Riot completely overhauled Legendary Content. Gems and Prestige points are gone, insteadintroducing Magnificent Essence . Players can nowpurchase Prestige Edition, Hextech, and Splendor skins from the Magnificent Store.

The ways to obtain Magnificent Essence are also very similar to them, as it is a combination of Magnificent Essence , Gems, and Prestige Points. So collect as much of these valuable currencies as possible and use them to unlock some of the rarest skins in games. The content of the Magnificent Store will change every month.

The Magnificent Store made its debut in patch 12.12. Riot is also adding new content to the Magnificent Store called 'Glorious Colors'. Glossy Colors are available for 40 DE and the first Glory Colors will be for Veigar, the Boss End. Let's take a look at all the other changes to the Magnificent Store rotation.


►  LoL Magnificent Revision: Magnificent Essence and Magnificent Store


How Does the Magnificent Store Work in League of Legends?


The Magnificent Essence can only be used in the Magnificent Store. To access the shop, go to the 'Loots' tab and click on Glorious Essence.

The Magnificent Store will remove alternate skins each month. There will be 2 Prestige skins that change every month. However, Riot decided to remove three rotations at once for the launch of the Magnificent Store. So there are currently 6 Prestige skins in store and they will be here for three months. From now on, there will be two prestige skins each month. There will also be two old hextech skins and a new legendary skins that will change every three months .

Prestige skins will be 125 BP for the first vault, 150 BP for the second, and 200 BC for the third and consecutive vaulting. Hextech skins will be priced at 100 BC for first unwrapping and 125 BC for consecutive crate removals.


►  Lol Star Guardian 2022: Skins, Quests, Rewards


LoL Magnificent Store Rotation


View NamePriceHistory
Prestige K/DA Evelyn150 Magnificent Essence12.12 - 12.13
Prestige Pulsefire Lucian125 Glorious Essence12.12 - 12.13
Hextech Ziggs100 Magnificent Essence12.12 - 12.17
Dread Star Darius100 Magnificent Essence12.12 - 12.17
Ash Knight Pantheon and Accessories100 Magnificent Essence12.12 - 12.17

There are currently six Prestige and three Hextech skins available in the Magnificent Store for the past three months. However, from the next rotation, the skins will not be in the store for that long. In addition, some legendary content related to the event will also be available at certain times. Let's take a look at all the content announced in the Magnificent Store rotation for Patch 12.12 .



There will also be accessories in the Magnificent Store . Accessories shares the theme of the new Ash Knight Pantheon skin.

Random View10 Glorious Essence
150 Blue Essence1 Glorious Essence
50 Orange Essence1 Glorious Essence

When is the next Magnificent Store Rotation?

The Magnificent Store is designed to remove two different Prestige skins alternately each month. The Hextech and Awesome skins will change every three months.

► Buy discounted Riot Points RP, +1% Bonus balance will be credited to your account: https://www.foxngame.com/league-of-legends


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