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LoL MSI 2021 Clash Tournament Begins

LoL MSI 2021 Clash Tournament Begins
It was recently announced that a Clash tournament will be held for MSI 2021 in cooperation with Riot Games and MSI. In this article, we have compiled information about tournament registration, awards and details for you. Details are in the article.
Riot Games recently announced that the new Clash tournament adventure will be organized in collaboration with MSI 2021 . The standard rules of the Clash tournament are also valid in this tournament, the only difference is that the tournament, which is normally organized over one week, is spread over two weeks. In other words, the first leg of the tournament will be held in the first weekend and the winner will be determined by completing the second week according to the results. The first 5 and the last 3 teams of the tournament will receive special gifts. The first leg of the Clash tournament, organized in partnership with MSI 2021 , is planned to be held on May 8-9, and the second leg on May 29-30. You can view the tournament registration details and awards below.


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MSI 2021 Clash Tournament

Clash tournament registration dates ;

  • Registration date for the tournament that will take place between 8-9 May: 3 May
  • The registration date for the tournament, which will take place between May 29-30, has been determined as May 24.

Your team will be rewarded according to the degrees you get. You can view these awards below.


Don't worry you can't be in the top 5, you will receive one of the crystals from the costumes as a consolation prize for unlocking these costumes. You can have a costume with this gift costume crystal. We will continue to keep you informed of more information as the tournament progresses.

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