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LoL MSI 2021 Match Table

LoL MSI 2021 Match Table
The MSI 2021 matches for League of Legends have come to an end. Details for the LoL MSI 2021 match schedule and date are in the article.
The MSI 2021 tournament, organized by Riot Games for the popular game League of Legends, has come to an end. As the MSI 2021 tournament approaches the end, the excitement and quality of the matches started to increase. As a result of the rivalries, the first semi-final match was held today and the next semi-final match will be held the next day. After the semi-final results are determined, the transition to the final match will be made on 23 May 2021. A total of 4 matches took place in the Royal Never Give Up and PSG Talon match held today  , and as a result of these four matches, RNG won the fight with a score of 3-1. You can view the other matches and their dates below.


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MSI 2021 Match Table

Having the advantage of choosing an opponent for the semi-finals after finishing the group in the first place , DWG KIA team preferred MAD Lions as their opponent selection . Afterwards, the remaining teams played their semi-finals among themselves in RNG and PSG Talon today. After defeating PSG Talon with a score of 3-1, RNG team managed to become the first team to make their mark in the final. You can view the match table below.

lol msi 2021 match table

Saturday, May 22, 2021 - Semi-Finals
  • DWG KIA - MAD Lions

Sunday, May 23, 2021 - Final
  • Winner of RNG - DWG KIA vs MAD Lion

The winner of the final match of the Tournament on Sunday, May 23, 2021 will be declared the winner and will receive the grand prize. In addition, the tournament will provide a separate prestige opportunity to the victorious team. The predictions of the matches have already been determined and many of the players have provided their winning predictions. Many players are predicting that DWG KIA will win the match between DWG KIA and MAD Lions . In addition, estimations are being made that the two teams that will qualify for the final will be RNG and DWG KIA . At this point, it seems quite uncertain who will win the final. DWG KIA, which recently showed a high performance boost

There are predictions that he will be the winner of the final and there is great pressure on them. If you ask our guess, we think that RNG will be the team that wins the final.

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