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LoL New Champion Gwen Introduced

LoL New Champion Gwen Introduced
Gwen, the next upcoming champion of League of Legends, has been introduced. The new champion Gwen wanders the valley like a tailor in terms of her abilities. The scissors, needle and thread he uses bears the character of him or his creator.
Riot Games recently unveiled the latest upcoming champion of League of Legends . This new character named Gwen is called " The Blessed Tailor ". It is thought that the champion  will be included in the game with the next patch , 11.7 patch notes . Although no official date has been announced regarding  Gwen's release date , we think it will be included in the game with the next LoL 11.7 patch between March 31st - April 2nd . In addition,  with the new patch update, the new Rhythm of Space series is added to the game. Costumes will also be included.

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What We Know About Gwen

Returning to our topic, we were a little surprised that Gwen was the new champion to come to the game. Our guesses were that Isolde , the wife of Viego, the Ruined King, would be included in the game. With the announcement of Gwen , it was understood that the information we saw and obtained from various leaks was related to Isolde, but not Isolde. Since we know in the story that Isolde was a tailor before she died, it makes sense that Gwen would be included in the game with the motto Blessed Tailor. The formation of Gwen occurs as a result of Isolde's soul breaking into pieces and contacting the doll made by one of these soul fragments. You can view the Gwen gameplay trailer below ;

Gwen's character and creation has a skill kit based on scissors, needle and thread. As you can see from the Gwen gameplay video above , the animations of her abilities also reflect her character. The new champion Gwen , as we can see , is very active and generally preferred in the top lane and mid laner regions . Since we do not have clear talent information of the character yet, we will share this information with you again in the future.

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