LoL Patch 12.1: New Tree Ancestor Skins

The first patch notes for the new season are 12.1 and the first balance changes for Season 12 have been released. The nerf is coming for Diana and Gangplank buff Rek'Sai and Sona.
The first patch notes for the new season are 12.1 and the first balance changes for Season 12 have been released. Regarding balance changes this patch, Diana and Gangplank are buffed, while some debuffs are coming for Rek'Sai and Sona. Not this patch either, but you can expect a mini rework for Janna in the upcoming patches.
► Riot Introduces First LoL Champion of 2022: ZERİ
League of Legends 12.1 Patch Update Details

 | Champions |
Diana – Buff
Passive – Silvermoon Blade
- AP ratio increased: 40% → 50%
- Monster damage ratio increased: 250% → 300%
Gangplank – Buff
Q - Unspeakable
- Mana cost decreased: 60/55/50/45/40 → 55/50/45/40/35
- Cooldown decreased: 5 seconds → 4.5 seconds
Rek'Sai – Nerf
- E - Furious Bite physical damage decreased: [50/60/70/80/90 (+85% bonus AD)] → [55/60/65/70/75 (+85% bonus AD) ]
- E - Tunnel Crash cooldown increased: 26/23/20/17/14 seconds → 26/24/22/20/18 seconds
Sona – Nerf
- Armor growth decreased: 3.3 → 3
- E - Song of Speed cooldown increased: 12 seconds → 14 seconds
 | Things |
- Unsinkable Moon cooldown increased: 6 seconds → 8 seconds
Power of Nature
- Absorption charge duration increased: 5 seconds → 7 seconds
- Scatter's magic damage reduction increased: 20% → 25%
Immortal Shield
- Attack damage reduced: 55 → 50
- Lifeline shield reduced: from 300-800 (based on level) → 275-650 (based on level)
End of Mind
- Recipe changed to: Forgebond Ax + Negatron Cloak + Long Sword + 750 Gold Forgebond Ax + Anti-Magic Cloak + Pickaxe + 675 Gold (total cost unchanged)
- Magic resist reduced: 50 → 40
 | Summoner Spells |
- Updated cooldown: 420-210 seconds (based on level) → 360 seconds at all levels
- [NEW] Unbridled Teleport: Teleport used only on friendly turrets becomes Unbridled Teleport when tower barricades fall at 14 minutes.
- Unbridled Teleport cooldown: 240 seconds
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► LoL Season 12's First Skin Series 'Porcelain' Coming Soon
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 | Fixed Bugs and Quality of Life Changes |
- [UPDATED] Behavior Systems: The system that detects intentionally feeding players has been improved to account for more variables and is coming to all servers this patch.
- [NEW] Map Target Rewards: Targets with active rewards now have different health indicators to reflect reward status.
- Fixed a bug where Kled would occasionally respawn with the wrong amount of health.
- Fixed a bug where Kled could still be hit by projectiles when dismounting or just before dismounting, even though he was untargetable.
- Attacking enemies marked with W - Yordle Trap or E - 90 Caliber Net abilities no longer grant Caitlyn a Passive - Headshot stack.
- Fixed a bug where Caitlyn could occasionally change her Headshot target while using the E - 90 Caliber Net.
- Fixed a bug where Caitlyn would not gain additional Headshot range if a champion was simultaneously caught in W - Yordle Trap and E - 90 Caliber Net.
- Axiom Stream's ultimate cooldown reduction passive now properly scales with the Perfect Hunter rune.
- Fixed a bug where Lethal Tempo's bonus attack speed at max stacks was occasionally kept on non-champions targets.
- Fixed a bug where Bard's meeps became untargetable after Bard went through a hexgate.
- Fixed a bug where Bard's R - Fate League was not interacting correctly with Glacial Buff.
- Sentry Totemstone and Sentry Totemstone tooltips now correctly display the current number of wards placed.
- Vi's Passive - Blast Shield now procs on all structures.
- Fixed a bug where Kindred's R - Lamb's Compassion was healing champions more than they should.
- Fixed a bug that caused his basic attacks to not have Passive - Lightslinger effects when Lucian was silenced.
- Fixed a bug that caused the ability to go on full cooldown if Pantheon's Q - Meteor Spear was blocked while casting and pulling.
- Fixed the range indicator for Pantheon's Q - Meteor Spear and now alternates between press and hold uses.
- Fixed interactions with Sylas's stealing R - Final Spark from Lux and R - Bullet Craze from Miss Fortune.
- Fixed a bug where the ability's cooldown was not resetting if Vex dies while repeatedly casting R - Shadow Blitz.
- Fixed a bug where Talon's Q - Noxian Diplomacy was occasionally hitting enemy champions that were untargetable.
- Consuming Skarner's Crystal Venom mark with his E - Particle ability now deals the correct amount of damage.
- Fixed Heimerdinger's Q - H-28G Evolution Turret disabling sound on multiple skins.
- Heimerdinger's E - CH-2 Electron Grenade detonation sounds no longer play multiple times after hitting an enemy.
 | 2022 Ranked Season |
LoL 2022 Ranked Season will start for Turkey on Friday, January 7th. All accounts will receive a 5-step reset.
Summoner's Rift Season 1 rewards
- Vex Summoner Icon
- Vex Expressions
- Vex Permanent Champion
- Series 1 Eternal Capsule
Starting with the LoL 12.1 patch, some visual updates will appear in players' ranked ID and game lobbies.

- [NEW] Ranked armors have changed into ranked crests! You can check out the new look of your rank from your profile, ranked page, game lobbies, and friends list.
- [NEW] Ranked crests now have *magic* effects.
- [UPDATED] Loading screen borders have been updated to match their new ranked crests.
- [UPDATED] Some parts of the game lobby interface have been reworked to be clearer.
 | LoL Tree Ancestor Costumes |
New Tree Ancestor skins will be added to the meta in the coming days.
Tree Ancestor Rek'Sai - 1350 RP | Tree Ancestor Gnar - 1350 RP |
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